Page 81 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 81

Meet The Unvaccinated - Anti-vaxxers                                                                                      81

           7 Famous Ghost Stories

           That Turned Out To Be
                        Total BS

                 Continued from Page 80

        The H. Family was suffering from
        carbon monoxide poisoning.

        In 1921, a woman known only as Mrs. H. began
        seeing a doctor with some strange symptoms.
        After moving into their house, her family began
        feeling weak, hearing footsteps, having
        headaches, and even seeing apparitions. At one
        point her husband even awoke in the middle of
        the night certain that someone was strangling

        As most of us would, they assumed their home
        was haunted, until they found out that a broken
        furnace was releasing carbon monoxide into the
                                                         people getting a vaccine each day — down from "I know the traditional vaccines aren't rated
        home. Since then, numerous ghost sightings
                                                         a peak of over 185,000 last month — even quite as effective in the research — but I'm
        have been linked to carbon monoxide poisoning.
                                                         though those doses are now readily available comfortable with that style. I would happily go
                                                         nationwide.                                      at this very moment to get that," Smith said.
        This San  Antonio legend didn't even
        happen in San Antonio.
                                                         CBC News has spoken to some unvaccinated While the mRNA products produced by Pfizer
                                                         Canadians to learn more about the hesitancy that and Moderna have been deemed safe and
        A popular San Antonio legend has it that in 1938  has taken hold in some pockets of the country.  effective by Health Canada and other regulators
        a bus full of children stalled on train tracks and
                                                                                                          after a careful review of clinical trial data, Smith
        was soon hit by a train, killing the children    Many of the holdouts say they're concerned said she's still reluctant to accept a vaccine that
        inside. Since then, it's been reported that if you
                                                         about safety and side effects. Others say they're was developed so quickly.
        park on the "Ghost Tracks" and put your car in
                                                         not happy with the current products on offer.
        neutral, the ghosts of the kids will show up to                                                   She said she's not opposed to vaccines (she
        push your car to safety.
                                                         There are also practical considerations.  A describes herself not as "vaccine hesitant" but as
                                                         number of the unvaccinated have a needle- "mRNA vaccine hesitant") but she's concerned
        To prove any skeptics wrong, some even put
                                                         related phobia that can make getting a shot a about the possible long-term effects of mRNA
        baby powder on their cars and use the
                                                         frightening experience. Some have severe shots in particular, which use relatively new
        fingerprints as proof the kids were there.       allergies to the vaccine components. Some rural technology.
        Unfortunately for those who want the story to be
                                                         Canadians have had trouble with access.
        true, there's a pretty logical explanation. There's
                                                                                                          'I don't want to be the guinea pig'
        a slight incline on the tracks, which makes your
                                                         And experts also suggest somewhere between
        car roll, and the fingerprints that appear are most
                                                         two and 10 per cent of the population is         "How do we know what kind of impact this is
        likely your own.                                 vehemently opposed to vaccines — no matter       going to have on our bodies? Am I gonna have a
                                                         what public health officials say about the many  third eye in 20 years?" she said.
        On top of that, the story the legend is based on  benefits of getting a shot.
        actually happened in Salt Lake City, Utah. []
                                                                                                          "I mean, I know I'm not gonna have a third eye,
                                                         Nadina Smith graduated from teachers' college    but I'm just trying to explain what I mean. We
           Meet the unvaccinated:                        this spring and she's feeling the pressure from  don't know what the potential outcomes are in

                                                         family and friends to get a shot before school   the long term.
         Why some Canadians still                        starts up in the fall.
              haven't had the shot                                                                        "The only thing that would have swayed me is if
                                                         Smith, who is from  Alberta, told CBC News       there was some sort of research or study of the
                                                         she's researched the science behind various      long-term effects of COVID mRNA. For me,
        Some suspect the science. Some don't think
                                                         COVID-19 vaccines and she's most comfortable     that is a huge concern and I don't want to be the
        they're vulnerable.  And some just don't trust   with the one-dose Johnson & Johnson shot,        guinea pig."
        government messaging.
                                                         which uses the more conventional viral vector
                                                         vaccine technology.                              Messenger RNA, or mRNA, directs protein
        Canada's vaccine campaign has been crushing it
                                                                                                          production in cells throughout the body to
        lately, with an impressive 80 per cent of eligible
                                                         Such vaccines use a modified version of a        trigger an immune response and protect against
        Canadians having had at least one dose of a      different virus (the vector) to deliver instructions  infectious diseases.
        COVID-19 vaccine.
                                                         to cells, and are widely used to prevent
                                                         infectious diseases like influenza.              While an mRNA vaccine has never been on the
        That statistic distracts from a troubling fact,
                                                                                                          market until now, mRNA vaccines have been
        however: more than six million Canadians still
                                                         Canada ordered the J&J shot — 300,000 doses      tested in humans for at least four infectious
        haven't had a shot, just as experts are warning  were delivered months ago — but there are no     diseases: rabies, influenza, cytomegalovirus and
        we need more coverage to beat back a possible
                                                         plans to use it as part of the vaccination       Zika. No long-term side effects from those
        surge of cases in the fall.
                                                         campaign. Government officials have said the     products have been reported.
                                                         provinces and territories have shown no interest
        The first-dose vaccination campaign now seems
                                                         in obtaining this product.                                              (Continued on Page 88)
        to be grinding to a halt, with fewer than 50,000
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