Page 78 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 78

78                      Around the Campfire: Fake Indians

            Around the Campfire:

                    Fake Indians

                   by Dr. Dean Chavers

        Non-Indians started speaking for Indians shortly
        after European contact. Most of these writers
        were authentic translators, teachers, ministers,
        writers, novelists, and journalists. Some, such as
        Helen Hunt Jackson, have done tremendous
        good. Her book “A Century of Dishonor,” about
        how the government lied to Indians, cheated
        them, and took their lands, is the most important
        Indian book ever published.

        But some have distorted the picture, misled
        people, presented imagined happenings as facts,
        and tried to make people believe they were
        Indians when they were not. Some of them have
        been little people who got a teaching job at a
        college or school, and suddenly discovered that But Hill persisted, and made herself somewhat     Wallace’s first inaugural speech, “segregation
        they were “Indians.”  They then become the of an annoyance nationally. Jo  Allyn                  now, segregation tomorrow, segregation
        authority on all things Indian. They do the pow Archambault exposed her as a fraud shortly after  forever.” The University of New Mexico Press,
        wows, the convocations, the celebration weeks, her book was published. Several other people       unfortunately, is still selling his fake book. It has
        the Indian days, and the poetry readings.        exposed her as a fraud and her book as fake, but  sold in the millions. They will not answer my e-
                                                         she had the spotlight long enough to make some   mails about why they continue to sell a fraud.
        And a few have gone off the deep end. Carlos     money from her book. Unfortunately, it is still
        Castaneda, who was born in South America, got selling.                                            Some Other fake Indians include:
        his Ph. D. from UCLA on the strength of his
        account of a Yaqui holy man named Juan Matus. I had seen her type before—conniving, smarmy,       Jamake Highwater, who was a Greek named Jay
        But there were times he was supposed to be and trying to be ingratiating. One of them, a          Marks or Markopolus when he finished high
        meeting with the holy man that he was actually medical type, showed up at my office at Cal        school in California in 1950. Hank  Adams
        holed up on the campus in the library. He made State Hayward in 1974. She wanted to recruit       exposed him as a fake in the 1970s, after he had
        fantastic claims: that Don Juan could turn people some of our male Indian students, give each a   obtained a huge federal grant to make a PBS
        into animals (“shape shifters”), that datura, six-pack of beer, let them drink it, and then       documentary called “The Primal Mind.” He also
        marijuana, and other drugs had magical measure the rate at which they metabolized it.             wrote a number of “Indian” books.
        properties, and that people could fly. But his Her “theory” was that Indians had a drinking
        fake shamanism fit right in with the druggies of problem because they metabolized alcohol at a    Ward Churchill, who had a quarter century run
        the sixties. UCLA finally took his Ph. D. away.  slower rate than whites. I threw her out, and did  at the University of Colorado and published
                                                         the same to Hill.                                more than a dozen Indian books. The university
        Nevertheless, he died leaving a considerable                                                      dismissed him in 2008 for plagiarizing. He had
        estate of several million dollars to his children Lynn Andrews, a sometime movie actress, made    exposed himself to ridicule after he called the
        and family. Many colleges are still using his fake a fortune off her series of fake Indian books.  widows of the September 11, 2001 attack “little
        books as authentic textbooks. An article in Time And she took it to another level. She charged    Eichmans.” He led the Colorado chapter of the
        Magazine in 1973 charged that the accounts people stiff fees to go through what she said          American Indian Movement for the whole time
        Castaneda gave of his training under Don Juan were authentic Indian rituals. These rituals were   he was at the university. The tribe that enrolled
        were fictitious, and that Don Juan did not exist. conducted in grand ballrooms of hotels in New   him took it back.
        Castaneda soon went into seclusion, not York and San Francisco, giving coronaries to the
        appearing in public for two decades. UCLA Indian people who follow true Indian religions.         Timothy Patrick Burrus, who went by the fake
        Press is still selling his books, shamelessly.                                                    name of Nasdijj and had three hugely successful
        What a bunch of hypocrites!                      An inauthentic Indian tough guy, played by a     books in the early 2000s. They were based on
                                                         white guy, made his appearance in several fake   his faked Navajo childhood, which was full of
        Hyemeyohsts Storm, whose first name is hard to   Indian movies of the 1970s period. The “Billy    death, child molestation, and domestic violence.
        spell and to say, was another faker who made a Jack” movies made money for the actor and          Several people exposed him in 2006. After that
        minor fortune with his fake Indian book, Seven writer,  Tom Laughlin, who soon stopped            he could get no more of his fake Indian books
        Arrows. It tried to be a genuine representation of pretending to be a half-breed Indian.          published.
        the ceremonies of the Cheyenne people, but it
        came out as hippie mish-mash, just right for the Forrest Carter, who had been a member of the     Margaret Seltzer, who published under the fake
        1970s.  After a minor smash, the man faded       Ku Klux Klan and a speechwriter for George       name Margaret B. Jones, and who claimed to
        away, but apparently never stopped pretending Wallace, wrote another fake Indian book called      have been brought up in South Central Los
        to be Indian. He sold lectures and ceremonies to The Education of Little  Tree. It was about a    Angeles. She claimed to be half white and half
        unsuspecting people for years.                   Cherokee boy and his growing up in the           Navajo. But she was all white, not brought up in
                                                         mountains of North Carolina. It was supposed to  a ghetto in South Central, and had gone to prep
        A white woman named Ruth Beebe Hill showed be true.  The book sold in the millions, and           schools. NPR exposed her almost immediately,
        up at my office in California one day in 1978. spawned a movie.  The only problem was that        and the publisher recalled all her books.
        She was promoting her novel, Hanta Yo, which     Carter had never been to North Carolina, and
        she claimed was an authentic story from the had made the whole thing up.                                                 (Continued on Page 79)
        days when the Dakota Indian people were still
        free. She claimed to have an Indian man as her His real name was Asa Earl Carter, and he had          Dare to Believe - Dare to be Heard
        informant. She got upset at me when I declined been raised by his parents in Anniston, Alabama.            The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
        to help her by reviewing her book or endorsing He wrote the famous words for George               
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