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Coronavirus Facts & Myths                                                                                    15

            Coronavirus facts and

               myths: Clearing up

         COVID-19 confusion with


                    By Natalie O'Neill

        There are so many stories swirling about the
        coronavirus, it’s hard to tell what’s fact or
        fiction. People have been holed up for weeks
        obsessively staring at computer screens —
        sifting through conflicting and confusing advice
        about how to stay safe and treat the virus.

        Time for a reality check. Here’s what the most
        credible authorities — the World Health World
        Health Organization, the Centers for Disease
        Control and Prevention and the National
        Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases —
        know and are still learning about the virus.

        How did coronavirus start?
                                                         temperature is also low,” it states.             hardest.

        A person probably got it from an animal, but
                                                         Do     face     masks      work      against     A CDC study showed that around 80 percent of
        health officials aren’t sure.
                                                         coronavirus?                                     coronavirus deaths were among adults 65 years
                                                                                                          and older.  People with “severe chronic medical
        “The first human cases of COVID-19 were                                                           conditions — like heart disease, lung disease
        identified in  Wuhan City, China in December     Authorities still don’t know if masks help a     and diabetes, for example — seem to be at
        2019.  At this stage, it is not possible to      healthy person outside of a medical setting      higher risk of developing serious COVID-19
        determine precisely how humans in China were     avoid catching the virus.  The CDC is            illness,” the CDC said.
        initially infected,” according to the  World     investigating.
        Health World Health Organization.
                                                         “The idea of getting a much more broad,          Still, many young people have been seriously
                                                                                                          ill. The CDC also reported that about 20% of
        “It is thought that [it] jumped the species barrier  community-wide use of masks outside of the   hospitalized patients were between the ages of
        and initially infected humans…this could be a    health care setting is under very active         20 and 44.
        domestic animal, a wild animal, or a             discussion at the task force. The CDC group is
        domesticated wild animal and, as of yet, has not  looking at that very carefully,” Dr.  Anthony   What are coronavirus symptoms?
        been identified,” the organization said.         Fauci, director of the National Institute of
                                                         Allergy and Infectious Disease, said earlier this

        How long does coronavirus last on                week.                                            It usually starts with a cough or a fever.
                                                         Other health officials recommend wearing one     “The most common symptoms of COVID-19
                                                         only if you’re already sick.                     are fever, tiredness, and dry cough,” according
        Somewhere between a few hours and multiple                                                        to the WHO. “Some patients may have aches
        days, according to the WHO.
                                                         “Only wear a mask if you are ill with COVID-     and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore
                                                         19 symptoms (especially coughing) or looking     throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually
        “It is not certain how long the virus that causes
                                                         after someone who may have COVID-19.             mild and begin gradually. Some people become
        COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to
                                                         Disposable face masks can only be used once,”    infected but don’t develop any symptoms and
        behave like other coronaviruses. Studies                                                          don’t feel unwell.”
                                                         the WHO advises.
        suggest that coronaviruses may persist on
        surfaces for a few hours or up to several days,”                                                  Is there a treatment for coronavirus ?
        the organization said.                           Can dogs get coronavirus?

                                                                                                          Doctors are testing out several different drugs
        To clean the surface, wash it “with a simple     Yes, but there haven’t been many confirmed       — including antiviral and antimalarial
        disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself  cases, and canines are not likely to spread it.
                                                                                                          medicines —  but nothing has been
        and others,” the WHO advises.
                                                         “While there has been one instance of a dog      scientifically proven to work.
        Can you catch coronavirus from                   being infected in Hong Kong, to date, there is   “There is no evidence that current medicine can
                                                         no evidence that a dog, cat or any pet can
        packages?                                                                                         prevent or cure the disease,” according to the
                                                         transmit COVID-19,” according to the WHO.
        It’s unlikely that a package sent to your home —
                                                         The CDC reports that two dogs have been
        including grocery deliveries or other supplies                                                                           (Continued on Page 21)
                                                         infected, and recommends “avoiding contact
        — would be carrying the virus, according to the
                                                         with your pet including, petting, snuggling,
                                                         being kissed or licked” if you are sick and                 THANK YOU
                                                         “washing your hands after handling” animals.
        “The likelihood of an infected person
                                                         Does coronavirus harm mostly old and                 FIRST RESPONDERS
        contaminating commercial goods is low and the
        risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19  sick people?                                         AND ALL ESSENTIAL
        from a package that has been moved, traveled,                                                                  WORKERS
        and exposed to different conditions and          Yes, it appears to hit those demographics
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