Page 16 - April-May 2020 Neat
P. 16

16                     Trump’s ‘Idiotic’ Coronavirus Cures

               Light, heat, bleach:

           Doctors reject Trump’s

         ‘idiotic’ coronavirus cures

                   by By Josh K. Elliott

        U.S. President Donald Trump is not a doctor, but
        he tried playing one on live  TV  Thursday by
        throwing out unproven guesses for stopping the
        coronavirus pandemic, which has killed tens of
        thousands of American citizens.

        Speaking from the White House during his daily
        press briefing, the former real estate mogul and
        reality  TV star floated the idea of injecting
        oneself with bleach or blasting the virus with
        ultraviolet light and heat — i.e. tanning — as
        potential tactics for killing the virus that causes
        COVID-19. He also raised the possibility of
        shining light inside the body to kill the virus.

        Dr. Deborah Birx, the only real medical expert
        in the room from  Trump’s team, only half-       Anglia in Britain, told Reuters.                 medical advice without concrete evidence to
        smiled and blinked in astonishment.  The                                                          back it up.  The president has spent the last
        president also did not present any hard evidence  Drinking or injecting disinfectant is more likely month touting the potential benefits of
        of his claims, although he did trot out his top  to kill humans than the virus, Hunter said.      hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria and lupus
        science official with the Department of                                                           drug, based on one small study out of France.
        Homeland Security to pitch the sunlight idea     “It is hugely irresponsible because, sadly, there
        based on anecdotal evidence.                     are people around the world who might believe Trump’s recommendation triggered a flood of
                                                         this sort of nonsense and try it out for reaction across the world, with countries rushing
        “Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous     themselves,” he said.                            to stockpile the drug while creating shortages for
        — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful                                                  lupus patients who needed it.
        light — and I think you said that hasn’t been    Reckitt Benckiser, which makes Lysol cleaning
        checked? But you’re going to test it?”  Trump    products, also warned against using disinfectant Publishers behind the French study have since
        said to  William Bryan, the DHS official who     in any way on the human body.                    come out to call it flawed, and a recent, larger
        initially presented the anecdotal sunlight idea.                                                  study of patients at veterans hospitals in the U.S.
                                                         “We must be clear that under no circumstance suggests the drug might actually do more harm
        Trump continued: “And then I said supposing      should our disinfectant products be administered than good.
        you brought the light inside the body, which you  into the human body (through injection,
        can do, either through the skin or in some other  ingestion or any other route),” the company said Trump     evaded     a     question     about
        way, and I think you said you’re going to test   in an emphatic statement.                        hydroxychloroquine on  Thursday with a
        that, too? Sounds interesting.”                                                                   muddled answer about its effectiveness.
                                                         Americans have already been ingesting more
        The president then veered into discussing        disinfectant than normal during the coronavirus “We’ve had a lot of very good results, and we
        another false cure that has been circulating     crisis, according to research released by the U.S. had some results that perhaps aren’t so good. I
        among far-right communities for weeks: bleach.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention don’t know,” Trump said. When pressed about
                                                         (CDC) earlier this month. CDC researchers saw the veterans hospitals, Trump said he hadn’t read
        “I see that disinfectant, it knocks it out. In a  a 20.4 per cent spike in calls to poison control the study.
        minute. One minute,” Trump said at the briefing,  related to ingesting disinfectant in March
        before turning at the lectern to Birx, who was   compared to the same period of time in 2019.     Trump claimed on Friday that he was being
        sitting on the sidelines of the news conference.                                                  sarcastic about the disinfectant to bait reporters,
        Birx could be seen smiling, tight-lipped, as     In terms of  Trump’s sunlight theory, he has despite video evidence that shows he was
        Trump pitched his theories to her in front of a  frequently imagined a world in which the virus addressing his experts, not the media with his
        national audience.                               disappears in the spring or summer heat, questions.
                                                         although scientists have found no evidence to
        “And is there a way that we can do something     support that belief. Ultraviolet light has been “I was asking the question sarcastically to
        like that, by injection inside or, or, almost a  shown to kill virus droplets in the air, but reporters like you, just to see what would
        cleaning?”  Trump said, directing his words at   doctors say there is no way to use it on patients. happen,” Trump claimed at the White House on
        Birx. “Because you see, it gets in the lungs and                                                  Friday afternoon.
        it does a tremendous number … so it’d be         “Neither sitting in the sun nor heating will kill a
        interesting to check.”                           virus replicating in an individual patient’s His press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, pointed
                                                         internal organs,” said Penny Ward, a professor in the finger at media coverage in a statement
        Doctors have checked. Injecting yourself with    pharmaceutical medicine at Kings College about Trump’s medical advice.
        bleach — a poison — will make you sick, and      London and chair of the education and standards
        you shouldn’t do it, as many experts were quick  committee of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical “President  Trump has repeatedly said that
        to point out after Trump made the remarks.       Medicine.                                        Americans should consult with medical doctors
                                                                                                          regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he
        “This is one of the most dangerous and idiotic   “Drinking bleach kills. Injecting bleach kills emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing,”
        suggestions made so far in how one might         faster. Don’t do either!” she added.             she said.
        actually treat COVID-19,” Paul Hunter, a
        professor of medicine at the University of East  It’s not the first time Trump has offered shaky                         (Continued on Page 17)
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