Page 21 - April-May 2020 Neat
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VITALITY Detox Drops 21
Detox Drops
VITALITY Detox Drops is a one of a kind hydrolyzed
(water-soluble) liquid zeolite solution. VITALITY
Detox Drops has a honeycomb, cage structure and a
natural negative charge that acts like a magnet. It
binds toxins to the cage structure. These bound toxins
are neutralized while they are still in your system and
moved out of the body through the normal elimination
These water-soluble fragments are over a million
times smaller than other zeolite formulas available.
They have the ability to passively cross membranes in
the body, including the blood-brain barrier.
VITALITY Detox Drops is the gold standard of liquid
zeolite formulations and may just be the gold standard
for systemic detoxification of heavy metals and
environmental toxins.
VITALITY Detox Drops Abnormal Cells For more information and to order
Inhibit and eliminate the replication of VITALITY
may provide support to: rapidly reproducing abnormal cells. Detox Drops
Heavy Metals
Increase overall energy, mental focus For a 20% Discount
Safely remove heavy metals like
and clarity. Enter Code: pathhome
mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead, cesium,
strontium, aluminum, uranium and others from
Memory Coronavirus facts and
your tissue and cells.
Increase electrical activity in the brain
as well as increase memory. myths: Clearing up
Black Mold
Remove Black Mold Spores. The black COVID-19 confusion with
What is VITALITY Detox Drops
mold spores attach to the cage structure of our
(Clinoptilolite Fragments)? truth
product and are carried out of the body.
VITALITY Detox Drops is a one of a kind
Lyme Disease Continued from Page 15
hydrolyzed (water-soluble) liquid zeolite
Remove Lyme spirochetes. Customers
solution. VITALITY Detox Drops has a
report that their Lyme symptoms disappear and
honeycomb, cage structure and a natural
they have life back when taking VITALITY.
negative charge that acts like a magnet. It binds How far can coronavirus travel in the
toxins to the cage structure. These bound toxins air ?
are neutralized while they are still in your
Decrease inflammation by getting rid of
system and moved out of the body through the It can travel three to six feet, most officials
bio-toxins, for instance black mold spores, and
normal elimination channels. agree.
other chemicals.
These water-soluble fragments are over a
million times smaller than other zeolite formulas “The disease can spread from person to person
Nutrient Absorption
available. They have the ability to passively through small droplets from the nose or mouth
Increase absorption of essential
cross membranes in the body, including the which are spread when a person with COVID-19
minerals, nutrients, super foods, supplements
blood-brain barrier. VITALITY Detox Drops is coughs or exhales. These droplets land on
and essential oils and carry them to the right
the gold standard of liquid zeolite formulations objects and surfaces around the person,”
and may just be the gold standard for systemic according to the WHO. “People can catch
detoxification of heavy metals and COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a
Increase cell hydration, cell membrane
environmental toxins. person with COVID-19 who coughs out or
efficiency, vitality, and energy. Toxins hold on
to and pollute our cells and they are not able to exhales droplets. This is why it is important to
stay more than three feet away from a person
hydrate normally.
who is sick.” []