Page 17 - April-May 2020 Neat
P. 17

Trump’s ‘Idiotic’ Coronavirus Cures                                                                                      17

               Light, heat, bleach:

           Doctors reject Trump’s

         ‘idiotic’ coronavirus cures

                 Continued from Page 16

        The U.S. Surgeon General also recommended
        talking to doctors before trying any potential
        medical treatment.

        Trump touted his own medical guesses at the
        press briefing on  Thursday, while repeatedly
        directing the country’s top minds to spend time
        and money on pursuing them.

        “I would like you to speak to the medical
        doctors to see if there’s any way that you can
        apply light and heat to cure, you know — if you
        could,” he said. “And maybe you can, maybe
        you can’t …

                                                         recommend minimizing contact with others,        of an idea that  Trump floated at a time of
        “I’m not a doctor, but I’m, like, a person that has
                                                         staying home as much as possible and             widespread anxiety about the virus.
        a good you-know-what,” Trump said, pointing
                                                         maintaining a distance of two metres from other
        to his head.
                                                         people if you go out.[]                          A majority of  Americans said they were
                                                                                                          concerned about how the coronavirus is
        A reporter then pressed  Trump on the issue,                                                      spreading, according to the poll, as the number
        saying: “But sir, you’re the president.”           Americans losing faith in
                                                                                                          of COVID-19 cases surpassed 1 million people
                                                            what Trump says about                         in the United States this week, killing more than
        “Deborah, have you heard of that?” Trump said,                                                    56,000.
        turning to Birx. “The heat and the light, relative    the coronavirus - poll
        to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus.”
                                                                                                          Trump publicly mused about the benefits of

        “Not as a treatment,” Birx said, before                    Reuters - Chris Kahn                   “cleaning” COVID-19 patients on the insides
                                                                                                          with disinfectants or ultraviolet light during a
        attempting to indulge the president’s theory. “I
                                                                                                          news conference last week, directing health
        mean, certainly, fever is a good thing. When you
                                                                                                          officials in the room to look into it.
        have a fever, it helps your body respond. But not
        as — I’ve not seen heat or light —”
                                                                                                          Medical experts immediately condemned the
                                                                                                          president’s suggestion, and the makers of
        “I think it’s a great thing to look at,”  Trump
                                                                                                          disinfectant products warned the public against
                                                                                                          ingesting them. Trump later tried to portray his
                                                                                                          remarks as sarcasm, but given his popularity
        The reporter then pressed Trump again, saying:
                                                                                                          with some Americans, health officials expressed
        “People are tuning into these briefings.  They
                                                                                                          concern his remarks would persuade some
        want to get information and guidance and want
                                                                                                          people to poison themselves.
        to know what to do. They’re not looking for a
                                                                                                          Overall,  Trump’s overall popularity has not
                                                                                                          changed much over the past week. Forty-three
        “Hey, Phil,”  Trump responded. “I’m the                                                           percent of Americans said they approve of his
        president and you’re fake news.”                 NEW YORK — Americans appear to be losing         overall job performance, and the same number
                                                         faith in what President Donald  Trump says
                                                                                                          also approve of his handling of the COVID-19
        Health officials caution against all international  about the coronavirus pandemic, with almost   pandemic.
        travel. Returning travellers are legally obligated  everyone rejecting  Trump’s remark that
        to self-isolate for 14 days, beginning March 26,  COVID-19 may be treated by injecting infected   Among registered voters, 44% said they would
        in case they develop symptoms and to prevent     people with bleach or other disinfectants,       vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe
        spreading the virus to others. Some provinces    according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on    Biden, while 40% said they would back Trump
        and territories have also implemented additional  Tuesday.
                                                                                                          if the election were held today.
        recommendations or enforcement measures to
        ensure those returning to the area self-isolate.  The April 27-28 public opinion poll found that
                                                         fewer than half of all adults in the U.S. – 47% –  The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in
                                                                                                          English, throughout the United States. It
        Symptoms can include fever, cough and            said they were “very” or “somewhat” likely to    gathered responses from 1,001 adults, including
        difficulty breathing — very similar to a cold or  follow recommendations  Trump makes about       416 Democrats and 419 Republicans. []
        flu. Some people can develop a more severe       the virus.  That is 15 percentage points lower
        illness. People most at risk of this include older  than the number who said they would follow
        adults and people with severe chronic medical    Trump’s advice in a survey that ran at the end of               STAY SAFE
        conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease. If  March.                                                     STAY HEALTHY
        you develop symptoms, contact public health                                                                     STAY HOME
        authorities.                                     And 98% of Americans said they would not try
                                                         to inject themselves with bleach or other

        To prevent the virus from spreading, experts     disinfectants if they got the coronavirus,          KEEP SOCIAL DISTANCING
        recommend frequent handwashing and               including 98% of Democrats and 98% of                A PART OF LIFE CANADA!
        coughing into your sleeve.  They also            Republicans. That is a near-unanimous rejection
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