Page 25 - April-May 2020 Neat
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The Yellow Fever Outbreak of 1793                                                                                       25

                 The Yellow Fever
           Outbreak of 1793: Nine

         Observations and Lessons

                 Continued from Page 24

        In the initial panic at the contagion, terror
        prompted friends and relations to desert their
        loved ones. Carey described servants
        abandoning humane masters, and masters
        rushing faithful servants to Bush Hill Hospital
        on a mere suspicion of the fever. Carey wrote,
        “Who, without horror, can reflect on a husband
        deserting his wife . . . in the last agony—a wife
        unfeelingly abandoning her husband on his
        death bed,” and “parents forsaking their only
        children—children ungratefully flying from
        their parents . . . without an enquiry after their
        health or safety.”
                                                         television evangelist Tammy Faye Bakker (later work of black caregivers was largely invisible to
                                                         Messner) spoke approvingly of hugging a whites. Reverends Jones and Allen labored on
        Devèzewrote, “In short, the public papers
                                                         person with HIV/AIDS. In 1987, Britain’s         burial detail and visited the sick. Black nurses,
        inspired you with terror by pretending to declare
                                                         Princess Diana shook hands with an  AIDS new to the vocation but eager to help, struggled
        the disease contagious.”  This terror justified,
                                                         patient, without gloves. In the 1980s, simply to care for patients who were delirious with
        even required, “abandoning the unfortunate
                                                         touching a person with AIDS challenged public fever. Jones and  Allen remarked, “We have
        victims of this fatal malady, neglected and left
                                                         sentiment on the disease.                        suffered equally with whites; our distress hath
        alone to expire in all the horror of despair.”
                                                                                                          been very great, but much unknown to the white
        Devèze pleaded, “Children! mothers! husbands!
                                                         Girard and Devèze rightly believed yellow fever people. Few have been the whites that paid
        think of the duty which God has prescribed to
                                                         was not contagious. Most Americans, however, attention to us, while the colored persons were
        you.” The doctor warned that if “those for whom
                                                         dreaded a sick person and feared that a healthy engaged in others’ service.”
        alone you ought to live are deprived of the cares
                                                         person was an asymptomatic carrier. Even the
        they expect from you—think what will be your
                                                         symptoms of a common cold could provoke African Americans were constantly working in
        remorse when they are no more.”
                                                         public backlash. Carey knew of people showing the background of the stories whites
                                                         signs only of “common colds, and common fall remembered. John Fenno wrote, “I have
        John Fenno wrote of “stress and apprehensions”
                                                         fevers,” people “only slightly ill” who were repeatedly been in the Street when scarcely an
        that were “so powerful, that Husbands deserted
                                                         forcibly “sent to Bushhill, by their panic- individual was to be seen as far as the eye could
        their Wives; Wives their husbands; children their
                                                         stricken    neighbours.”    An     anonymous extend, except a Negro leading a Herse, or a
        parents, & vice versa.” Fenno claimed “this
                                                         Philadelphia resident wrote that “each person Chair Carriage, or a Horse Cart with a Corpse—
        unnatural conduct,” in violation of “affection,
                                                         became afraid of his neighbors, insomuch that if sometimes two in a Cart.” Carey remarked that
        principle & duty,” was “awfully sanctioned” by
                                                         any became sick they were avoided, and many men of fortune, who had given work to
        the “fatal consequences” of loyalty: “Husbands
                                                         fled from the sick, leaving them in a destitute hundreds, “have been abandoned to the care of a
        & wives who mutually nursed each other both
                                                         situation, perhaps shut up in a house, and the negro, after their wives, children, friends, clerks,
        died in numerous Instances.”
                                                         neighbors alarmed.”                              and servants had fled away, and left them to their
                                                                                                          fate.” Likewise, “corpses of the most respectable
        Humans were not the only victims of
                                                         Some acts of rejection exceeded self-preserving citizens” went to the grave, “unattended by a
        abandonment. Rush observed, “Here and there a
                                                         avoidance and reached the level of violent friend or relation,” “the horse driven by a
        dead cat added to the impurity of the air of the
                                                         hatred. Jones and Allen recalled “an instance of negro.”
        streets; for many of those animals perished with
                                                         cruelty, which, we trust, no colored man would
        hunger in the city, in consequence of so many
                                                         be guilty of.” As Jones and Allen understood the Rush recalled, “Funeral processions were laid
        houses being deserted by the inhabitants who
                                                         incident, “Two sisters, orderly, decent, white aside. A black man, leading, or driving a horse .
        had fled into the country.”
                                                         women, were sick with the fever.” One sister . . with now and then half a dozen relations or
                                                         recovered. “A neighboring white man saw her, friends following at a distance from it, met the
        The abandonment of loved ones was confined to
                                                         and in an angry tone asked her if her sister was eye in most of the streets of the city at every
        the initial phase of panic. Of the cases of
                                                         dead or not? She answered, ‘No,’ upon which he hour of the day, while the noise of the same
        relations and neighbors abandoning others,
                                                         replied, ‘Damn her, if she don’t die before wheels passing slowly over the pavements, kept
        Carey wrote, “But I must observe, that most of
                                                         morning, I will make her die!’”  The stunned alive anguish and fear in the sick and well, every
        them happened in the first stage of the public
                                                         woman managed only a “modest reply,” hour of the night.”
        panic. Afterwards, when the citizens recovered a
                                                         prompting the man to grab a container heavy
        little from their fright, they became rare.”
                                                         with water. The unkind neighbor meant to dash                           (Continued on Page 26)
                                                         her over the head, but an  African  American
        7. People Feared the Sick.
                                                         intervened on the woman’s behalf. (Jones and
                                                         Allen do not mention the gender of the Good
        As a Philadelphia resident observed in 1793, an                                                          Have you had a Paranormal
        orphanage was necessary because the extended                                                          experience that you would like to
        family of bereft children, and the neighbors who                                                      share with the readers of The ‘X’
                                                         8.      Whites        Overlooked           the
        knew them, were “shy of them.” Fear of the                                                           Chronicles Newspaper? Send it to
                                                         Contributions and Suffering of African
        disease meant, in many cases, the children were                                          
        rejected by surviving relations. Fear of the sick Americans.
                                                                                                            or by snail mail: The ‘X’ Chronicles
        during the yellow fever outbreak was                                                                 Newspaper, PO Box 1261, Crystal
        comparable to people’s initial response to the   Benjamin Rush, Matthew Clarkson, and
        HIV/AIDS in the 1980s. In 1985,  American        Mathew Carey acknowledged what the African                Beach, Ontario, L0S 1B0
                                                         Americans did for the public good. Sadly, the
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