Page 27 - April-May 2020 Neat
P. 27
The Yellow Fever Outbreak of 1793 27
The Yellow Fever Even Mathew Carey was disturbed by the many Those who fail the screening but haven’t tested
whites who maligned Philadelphia’s African positive for the virus will be allowed to return 14
Outbreak of 1793: Nine American community. Although he raised the days later, the memo states.
allegation of extortion wages, Carey insisted “it
Observations and Lessons is wrong to cast censure on the whole for this Anyone who tests positive can also return, but
sort of conduct, as many people have done.” [] not for 28 days after their diagnosis. According
Continued from Page 26 to the memo, they should bring supporting
US military won’t accept medical documentation, such as clinical notes,
treatment and prognosis. But their application
recruits who survive will be marked “Considered Disqualifying.”
For Jones and Allen, the image of extortionist
nurses hardly represented the black response to COVID-19, Pentagon The Military Times reported the Pentagon
the crisis. Jones and Allen described several
instances of African Americans who helped the confirms spokesperson declined to comment on why the
coronavirus was “permanently disqualifying.”
sick without compensation. For instance, “A
But those recruits can apply for a waiver —
poor colored man, named Sampson, went By Hayley Fowler similar to what other applicants with
constantly from house to house where distress
disqualifying conditions receive from their
was . . . without fee or reward. He was smitten As the U.S. military navigates the coronavirus
with the disorder, and died. After his death, his respective branches, the Times reported.
pandemic, recruits who test positive for
family were neglected by those he had served.”
COVID-19 won’t be allowed to enlist — “However, without any further guidance for
Jones and Allen wrote, “We do not recollect
regardless of whether they’ve recovered or not. exceptions dealing with COVID-19, a review
such acts of humanity from the poor, white
authority would have no justification to grant a
people, in all the round we have been engaged in A Department of Defense memo posted on
. . . It is unpleasant for us to make these remarks, waiver,” according to the Times.
social media announced the change, which was
but justice to our color demands it.”
confirmed by officials to multiple media outlets. As of May 5, Air Force Magazine reported more
than 7,600 cumulative cases of COVID-19
As for the charges of economic opportunism,
“During the medical history interview or among military personnel, civilians, dependents
Jones and Allen offered a glimpse at their own examination, a history of COVID-19, confirmed
account of expenses. “The whole amount of cash and contractors in the U.S. Department of
by either a laboratory test or a clinician Defense. []
received for burying the dead, and for burying
diagnosis, is permanently disqualifying,” the
beds,” was £233 10s. 6d. The reverends paid £33
memo from the U.S. Military Entrance
for coffins and £378 total to the five men hired STAY SAFE
Processing Command (MEPCOM) states.
to help with burials. The reverends calculated
themselves “out of pocket” £177 9s 8d. This did STAY HEALTHY
A Pentagon spokesperson told the Military
not include their incidental gifts to poor families
Times, which first reported the news, that the STAY HOME
or the “several hundred of poor persons and
memo is “authentic.” Newsweek reported it was
strangers” the ministers buried, “for which
“interim guidance,” also citing the Pentagon,
service we have never received nor never asked and a DOD official confirmed it with Fox News.
any compensation.” KEEP SOCIAL
According to the memo, all 65 Military Entrance DISTANCING A PART
In exchange for their efforts, African Americans
Processing Stations (MEPS) will be required to
faced rumors and false accusations from the OF LIFE CANADA!
screen for COVID-19 — including taking
white community. Whites accused black nurses temperatures and asking about symptoms and
of opportunism. Jones and Allen faced rumors
potential exposure, Newsweek reported.
that they stole beds from the houses of the dead.