Page 24 - April-May 2020 Neat
P. 24
24 The Yellow Fever Outbreak of 1793
The Yellow Fever committee members “lived together in more the continuance of the French Apothecaries.”
harmony than is generally to be met with in
Outbreak of 1793: Nine public bodies of equal number.” Devèze marveled that Stephen Girard not only
inspected the supplies but visited the sick. “He
Observations and Lessons In August, the Overseers of the Poor approached them with that philanthropy that
appropriated a building at Bush Hill, the proceeds from the heart alone, and which must
Continued from Page 23 country estate of William Hamilton. Out of the give the greater lustre to his generous conduct:
country, Hamilton left no local agent to he encouraged, took them by the hand, and
challenge such a move. As patients expired, himself administered the medicine I prescribed.”
caked in their own waste, attendants lived Devèze credited Helm with overcoming fear of
Beyond the minimal expectation of restraint
riotously on the food and comfort items contagion. “Towards the end of the epidemic, he
from lawlessness, many people showed genuine
intended for the sick. Carey described Bush Hill also visited the apartments and took care of the
heroism during the epidemic. Fenno wrote,
as “a great human slaughter house, where sick.” Devèze also praised the matron of Bush-
“During our afflictions there were not wanting
numerous victims were immolated at the altar of Hill Hospital, Mary Saville, “principal nurse of
those heroic, humane & pious minds who think
riot and intemperance.” the hospital,” “a valuable woman,” who
it their duty to brave every danger in the
“deserves the gratitude of the public for the
discharge of the offices of Humanity.”
On September 15, two committee members manner in which she acquitted herself in the
Likewise, Carey remarked that many men and
volunteered to reorganize and superintend the charge assigned her.” Saville volunteered her
women, “some in the middle, others in the
hospital at Bush Hill: Stephen Girard, a French services on September 17, 1793.
lower spheres of life,” “exposed themselves to
immigrant and wealthy merchant, and Peter
dangers, which terrified men, who have
Helm, a manufacturer of hoops for barrels. 6. Many People were Disappointing.
hundreds of times faced death without fear, in
Within a few days, doctors Devèzeand
the field of battle.” Carey mentioned the mayor,
Benjamin Duffield offered their services and The reverends Absalom Jones and Richard Allen
committee members, doctors and clergy. Carey
made daily visits to the sick, assisted by reflected, “Many of the white people, who ought
remarked of the clergy, “Exposed, in the
apothecaries who administered medicine to be patterns for us to follow after, have acted
exercise of the last duties to the dying, to equal
according to the doctors’ orders. John Fenno in a manner that would make humanity
danger with the physicians, it is not surprising
extolled Girard and Helm, noting that the two shudder.” Accepting the burden of burial detail,
that so many have fallen.”
“immediately entered on this service—and a Jones and Allen recalled, “We have picked up
very great alteration for the better took place little children that were wandering they knew
In a proclamation dated September 10, 1793,
directly.” Of Devèze and Duffield, Fenno wrote, not where (whose parents had been cut off), and
Mayor Matthew Clarkson called upon
“A French Physician & another a native of this taken them to the orphan house; for at this time
“benevolent citizens” to “offer themselves as
City attended—from this time, nearly one half the dread that prevailed over people’s minds was
volunteers” to help the city’s Overseers of the
of the Patients were saved.” so general, that it was a rare instance to see one
Poor, many of whom were sick with fever. On
neighbor visit another . . . much less would they
September 14, in a triumph of self-government,
J. H. Powell, a twentieth-century historian of admit into their houses the distressed orphan that
a group of residents formed themselves into a
the epidemic, depicted the operation of Bush had been where the sickness was. This extreme
committee, with the mayor serving as president.
Hill as the triumph of Frenchmen Girard and seemed, in some instances, to have the
The committee took charge of Bush Hill
Devèze over the disciples of Benjamin Rush, of appearance of barbarity.”
Hospital, established an orphanage, and
French medicine over Anglo-Scottish practice.
regulated matters like burials and poor relief.
Volunteering to help at Bush Hill September 22, (Continued on Page 25)
Carey remarked, “It is worthy of remark, and
Dr. Benjamin Duffield reported to the
may encourage others in times of public
committee on September 24 that he “finds every STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY
calamity, that this committee consisted STAY HOME
thing there in proper order” and “is satisfied
originally of only twenty-six persons, men
with the mode of practice of Doctor Deveze,
taken from the middle walks of life, and of the KEEP SOCIAL DISTANCING A PART OF LIFE
and the treatment of the sick, and recommends CANADA!
moderate pitch of abilities.” Carey noted the