Page 10 - FF Spring 2022 Final
P. 10

Page 10                                        Falcon Footnote

         Russell W. Mank, Jr.       ilies and how soldiers reflect-  Victor D. Sutch          University in Minnesota. His
             1940-2020              ed the society from which           1921-2019             teaching career was at Colora-
                                    they came.” “His classes in                               do College, but he was Distin-
                                                                                              guished Visiting Professor of
                                    military history were among                               History at USAFA (1991-93),
                                    the most popular on campus.”                              and he also taught at USMA,
                                    He was Distinguished Visit-                               Marine Corps University, and
                                    ing Professor in DFH from                                 Norwich.  Past president of
                                    1982 to 1983, and he also                                 the Society for Military Histo-
                                    taught at West Point, the Ar-                             ry, he died while writing his
                                    my War College, and the                                   28  book. (More.)
                                    Command and General Staff
         During two assignments to   College.  Past President of
       DFH in 1968-73 and 1976-83,   the Society for Military His-                                    Charles Frazee
       Russ Mank became Tenure      tory, he was noted for his                                          1929-2019
       Professor of History.  Subse-  friendliness and generosi-   Growing up in Depression-
       quently he served on the Air   ty.” (More.)              era Indiana, Victor Sutch
       Staff and JCS.  Soon after his                           “went to Olivet Nazarene Col-
       promotion to Colonel, he was     Steve Chiabotti         lege with fifty dollars and
       made a quadriplegic when he        1950-2020             some faith.” In the USAAF
       was struck by a hit-and-run                              during World War II, he flew
       driver while he was jogging                              transport aircraft in Europe
       near his home in 1988. “His                              and North Africa, where “God
       courage and determination                                was gracious to protect him
       enabled him to overcome his                              and provide him with the won-
       injuries and fashion a new life                          derful experience of flying,
       for himself.”  He occupied                               along with the sheer terror of   Dr. Charles Frazee died in
       senior positions at the Para-                            landing.” He joined the faculty   2019 in his home in California.
       lyzed Veterans of America,                               while the Academy was locat-  As a scholar of Church and
       often testifying before Con-                             ed at Lowry AFB, and he       Byzantine History, he taught at
       gress.  (More.)                                          taught in DFH in 1958-60 and   Marian College, California
                                                                1961-70. He contributed many   State University at Fullerton,
                                     Retired Colonel Steve Chi-  chapters to History Depart-  and the Episcopal Theological
         Edward “Mac” Coffman     abotti died unexpectedly in   ment coursebooks.  His obitu-  Seminary.  He was Distin-
               1931-2020          Montgomery, Alabama, in Oc-   ary noted that “His last spoken   guished Visiting Professor in
                                  tober, 2020. He was a Distin-  words were while his grand-  DFH from 1992-93.  He wrote
                                  guished Graduate of the Acade-                              eleven books and many articles
                                  my in 1972 and later earned a   daughters were hugging him   and cared deeply about ecumen-
                                  doctorate in History from Duke   and he said ‘Thank you for   ism. Dr. Frazee spent twelve
                                  University. Colonel Chiabotti’s   coming, Goodbye, and I’ll see   years in the seminary and spent
                                  30 years in the USAF included   you in heaven.’” (More.)    fifteen years in the priesthood
                                  teaching history in DFH from                                teaching. Although he opposed
                                  1992 to 1997.  He was Com-          Dennis Showalter        the war in Vietnam and spoke
                                  mandant of the Air Force’s              1942-2019           out against it, he was sought
                                  School of Advanced Air and                                  after for his expertise in East
                                  Space Studies until his retire-                             Europe and the Balkans. When
        A Korean War infantry     ment in 2002; afterwards he                                 he died, Dr. Frazee was Profes-
      officer who went on to earn   spent sixteen more years at the                           sor Emeritus of History at Cali-
      his PhD in military history   School in various roles. Colonel                          fornia State University at
      from the University of Ken-  Chiabotti’s passion was teach-                             Fullerton where he served for
      tucky, “Mac” Coffman taught   ing. He taught a generation of                            22 years. (More.)
      at the University of Wisconsin   Air Force pilots to fly, and at
      in Madison for 31 years.  “An   USAFA he taught thousands of
      early practitioner of the ‘New’   cadets to be good officers and
      Military history, Coffman's   historians. He was generous
      lectures moved away from the   with his time and will be missed   The Minnesota state
      old-fashioned ’battle a day’   by his family and a wide orbit   spelling champion of 1954
      and offered insights into the   of friends. (More.)         became a military historian,
      lives of soldiers and their fam-                            earning his PhD at St. John’s
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