Page 8 - FF Spring 2022 Final
P. 8

Falcon Footnote
                 Page 8                              Gone But Not Forgotten

                                   Gone But Not Forgotten

           As noted previously, nearly one hundred officers and historians who taught in the Department of History since 1955 have now
           passed away.  Mindful that these individuals influenced so many Air Force officers, the alumni association is gathering obituar-
           ies.  Here are some reports of recent deaths.  A more complete list, with links to obituaries, is on the new alumni association
           website,  Even so, there are many missing notices.  If you know of any former mem-
           bers of the Department now among the ”missing from the mess tables,” pass any details to Dr. Larry Weaver at laweaver-

                                   vented the recovery of the   to any of your cadets interested   in. Why? What's going
             Jon A. Reynolds       remains of an American P-    in a systematic approach to   on? They never come into my
                                   51 pilot downed in the       military biography.”         cell. So I asked him, and he
                                   war’s last months.  Forty                                 responds, “Well, on ejection I
                                   years later, Jon joined offi-  “A big loss of a special   broke both my arms and I
                                   cials of the Chinese Minis-  man. The country lost another   can't much move. So they
                                   try of Foreign Affairs in a   hero -- brave in what he went   have to come in to feed me.”
                                   visit to a remote village    through and wise in the lessons   For three days he talked to
                                   near the crash site. Jon’s   he took from it and then lived   me and yet never once did he
                                   story of hope and disap-     for us all to see,” wrote Chuck   ever mention that he was so
                                   pointment – “An Attempt to   Specht.                      injured and could barely
                                   Bring Home Flt Off Bruce                                  move. As a result of that, I've
                                   F. Jepson” – was published     “Here’s a story unlikely to   always thought Jon Reynolds
                                   in Air Power History in      be known by many of you,”    is one of the bravest men I've
                                   2019.  MiG Sweep recently    wrote Bruce Grossetta: “I    ever known.’"
         Retired Brigadier General   published a short article   spent my last year at USAFA
       Jon A. Reynolds, who taught   recalling when USAF Chief   as an AOC (while still teach-         Jack Cole
       in DFH from 1975 to 1979,   of Staff Charles Gabriel met   ing).  My cadets bought a small
       passed away in Maryland on   the Commander of the Peo-   pig as a squadron mascot, and          1942-2022
       April 16.  He brought to the   ple’s Liberation Army Air   Jon volunteered to keep it out
       Academy his experiences     Force, General Wang Hai,     at their Monument ranch.  The
       flying the F-100 Super Sabre,   in 1985. They had met once   pig made appearances at all
       the L-19 Bird Dog, and the F-  before, in the skies over   home football games, but over
       105 Thunderchief, followed   “MiG Alley.”                the winter and spring it grew to
       by seven years as a POW in                               an enormous size.  The cadets
       North Vietnam.  After his     The news of his death      bought the food for it, but the
       release in 1973, he studied   prompted many recollec-    Reynolds cared for it.  Just
       military history and earned a   tions by former DFH col-  prior to the end of the school

       PhD at Duke University. Af-  leagues.  Among them: “Jon   year, the cadets had a big party
       ter his tour on the USAFA   epitomized the professional   out at the Reynolds’ place.   Retired Brigadier General
       faculty, he was assigned to   in every way,” “a superb    And the main course was     James L. “Jack” Cole, who
       the Air Staff and the National   teacher, officer, and gentle-  roasted pig on a spit.  Took all   taught in the Department of
       War College faculty.  In DIA   man,” “a personal hero to   night to roast it.”        History from 1970 to 1974,
       he became Air Attaché and   me,” “remember him fondly                                 was laid to rest in the USAFA
       then Defense Attaché at the   as a mentor,” “as fine a man   Phil Meilinger recalled a   cemetery on March 4. He
       American Embassy in Bei-    as I’ve known.  His integri-  visit by Vice Admiral James   passed away in Virginia on
       jing.  In retirement he joined   ty can’t be topped, and he   Stockdale to the Academy. In a   January 24. Colonel Marga-
       Raytheon Corporation, first   was direct in a tactful way.”    lectinar, Jon introduced the   ret Martin, Permanent Pro-
       overseeing the destruction of                            Medal of Honor winner to the   fessor and Head of DFH, pre-
       chemical weapons on John-     Jim Titus wrote “Jon       cadets. “Stockdale then tells a   sented the flag to Jack’s wid-
       ston Atoll, and then returning   was an extraordinary human   story. ‘I'm in a prison cell and   ow Carie. Among the mourn-
       to Beijing as head of the cor-  being: highly courageous   hear the door open next to me   ers were many members of the
       poration’s sales and opera-  and high achieving, but     and a new prisoner is thrown in   Class of 1964, as well as for-
       tions in China.  More details   always unpretentious and   the next cell.  We begin whis-  mer DFHers Rich Porter,
       are provided in his obituaries   approachable. A copy of   pering.  This goes on for a cou-  Tom Menza, Elliott Con-
       in The Philadelphia Inquirer   Jon's Duke PhD dissertation   ple of days as we exchange   verse, and Donald Bishop.
       and the Super Saber Society.      on the early career of Gen-  information, and he gives me   Jack flew the EC-121, the AC-
                                   eral Vandenburg is availa-   the latest news on the war and   47, and C-141; twice received
         Jon recently shared some   ble in the Special Collec-  Stateside.  And then I notice   the Distinguished Flying
       of his memories.  Political   tions branch of the cadet   that several times a day his   Cross in Vietnam; command-
       and military disorder in China   library. I would commend it   door is opened and guards go   ed the 89th Military Airlift
       after World War II had pre-
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