Page 9 - FF Spring 2022 Final
P. 9
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Wing; and was the Air position at the Air War Col- ty. Colonel Lane’s passion for Vietnam. He taught in DFH
Force’s Chief of Safety when lege at Maxwell AFB for many education, guidance and genu- from 1966 to 1969, and he
he retired. Afterwards, he more years. Weathers played ine care for young people earned a PhD in history at
was President and CEO of Tuba in the Montgomery Sym- shaped and changed the lives the University of St. Louis.
the National Aeronautic As- phony later in life. He played of many students. More. Later he taught at the Air
sociation, Executive Director multiple instruments and com- War College, Columbia
of the National Air Traffic posed marches. The Montgom- University, and the Univer-
Controllers Association, and ery Youth Orchestra per- sity of South Florida. “He
then Senior Director, Safety, formed ten of his original com- John W. Huston was a natural-born teacher
of the Air Transport Associa- positions including “The 1925-2021 who loved imparting his
tion. In the Falcon Club after Thunderbird March.” More. knowledge and wisdom of
the burial, Jack’s daughter history, religion, and an-
Carol recalled how much Peter Lane tique cars. He was a willing
history meant to him. When- 1939-2021 tour guide throughout the
ever the family crossed the sites of Washington, DC,
country, Jack would stop at during which it was best to
and read all the historical pay attention as there was
markers, and “he told us all always a quiz given at the
the events and famous people end!” More.
that occurred in the towns
that we drove through.”
More. A B-17 navigator in the Timothy E. Kline,
Bynum Weathers, Jr European Theatre of Oper- 1942-2020
1924-2022 ations, John Huston re-
mained in the USAF Re-
serve after the war, serving
in increasingly important
policy positions and rising
Retired Colonel Peter Lane to the rank of Major Gen-
died on Thanksgiving Day eral. He earned his PhD in
2021. After graduating from history from the University
USAFA and pilot training, he of Pittsburg. He was chair Tim Kline retired as a
flew 104 combat missions over of the Department of Histo- Colonel after a career that in-
North Vietnam in the F-105, ry at the Naval Academy, cluded tours in Vietnam flying
receiving the Silver Star and Chief of Air Force History, the 0-2 and F-4, teaching in
six awards of the Distinguished and Distinguished Visiting DFH from 1973-77, and the
Professor in DFH from
Dr. Weathers went to the Flying Cross. After the Vi- 1994-95. More. National War College. On the
University of Michigan on a etnam War, he attended the Air Staff, he was known for
scholarship playing Tuba in University of Washington and unorthodox but effective brief-
the Marching Band before earned an MA and PhD in his- ings. After retirement, he at-
serving during WWII in the tory, then teaching in DFH Thomas A. Fabyanic tended seminary, was ordained,
Army Air Forces as a B-29 from 1967 to 1970. He attend- 1934-2021 served as a pastor in parishes in
radar specialist. After the ed and taught at the National Oklahoma, and became Dean
war, he received BA and MA War College. He was Vice of Episcopal Christ Cathedral
degrees from the University Wing Commander at Howard in Salina, Kansas. More.
of North Carolina and his AFB in Panama, and he was
PHD from the University of Chief of the Western Hemi-
Denver. He served at Max- sphere Division of the Air
well AFB and in Puerto Rico, Staff. After retiring from the
and he taught history at the Air Force in 1984, he began his
Air Force Academy (1964- second career at the University The oldest of thirteen
68) where he retired as a Ma- of North Texas where he children, Tom left college to
jor. Afterwards he was a pro- worked from 1984 to 2009. He work in a mill after his fa-
fessor at Northeast Louisiana was Assistant to the Chancel- ther’s death in order to sup-
State University and St. lor, Special Assistant for Ath- port his mother and the fam-
Mary’s University. He letics, Vice President for De- ily. Joining the Air Force,
served in a civilian research velopment, and a member of he became a pilot and flew
the History Department facul- the F-4 during two tours in