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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 65

                               A Longer Journey
                         Johnny rowed a little ferry,
                         O’er the rippling river.
                         Passengers each paid a penny
                         And he said “O, thank’ee,” when he
                         Took it from each giver
                         As they left his ferry.
                         Johnny made the journey very
                         Often o’er the river,
                         Crossing times would always slacken
                         Johnny didn’t hurry back, when
                         He rowed the doctor’s daughter
                         Buxom, brown, and merry.
                                               JOHN H. ROULSTON,
                                                                 Form 3Al.

                       The Visit of Donner and Blitzen
                      Hoof beats sound on the rocky ground,
                      And rapidly louder grow,
                      And I see my Donner, my wild mare Donner,
                      With her mane afloat,
                      And her jet black coat,
                      And a blaze of driven snow.
                      She stops at the gate, to listen and wait,
                      And nervously glances around,
                      And I see my Blitzen, my chestnut Blitzen,
                      With an anxious whinney,
                      Come out of the spinney,
                      And impatiently paw the ground.
                      And there they stand, and let my hand
                      Caress each velvety nose,
                      Oh stay, my Donner, my Blitzen and Donner,
                      But clearer again
                      Comes the call of the plain,
                      And off with a leap Blitzen goes.
                      Away with a bound, scarce touching the ground,
                      And followed by Donner he flies.
                      Goodbye my Blitzen, my Donner and Blitzen,
                      Goodbye and good luck on the plain,
                      Like sister and brother,
                      They’ll stay by each other,
                      But will I ever see them again ?
                                                      FELICITY NAPi:
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