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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 67
               This fee is payable in full at the beginning of the year or in equal
           instalments at the beginning of each of the three terms. This money is
           used to provide school amenities (sporting material, library books, mural
           decorations, etc.).
               School Colours : Bottle green and grey.
               Uniform : Detailed information furnished on application.
               Research and Guidance : Officers from this Department visit the
           School on one or more days each week to assist in directing pupils into
           courses and careers for which they are best fitted. Parents wishing to
           interview the officers may do so. Appointments are arranged through
           the school.
               Physical Education : Teachers from the Physical Education Staff
           attend the school on three days each week. All pupils receive instruc
           tion for at least one period per week.
               Games :
                 (a) Internal. The school is divided into three Houses, Griffith,
                    Lilley and Wentworth. Inter-House competitions are con
                    ducted in football, cricket, tennis, athletics, swimming,
                    basketball, vigoro, soft-ball.
                 (b) External. The Intermediate School fields teams in inter
                    school Rugby League and Soccer, controlled by the Primary
                    Schools’ Association. This school also takes part in the
                    District Athletics and Swimming Carnivals.
               The High School fields teams in inter-school competitions conducted
           by the Q.S.S.S.S.A. In Football, Cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Athletics,
           and Swimming.
               Extra-Curricula Activities : Army Cadets. A newly formed cadet
           unit is now functioning at the school and has already reached a high
           standard of efficiency.
               Tennis Coaching Scheme under a well-known professional is
           conducted on the school’s excellent courts.
               Dancing Classes are conducted by a well known professional in a
           local hall. Pupils of the High School are encouraged to attend these
           classes. ’ < ,
               A Fancy Dress Ball is held annually. High School pupils organise
           and run their annual term socials under supervision.
               Life-Saving Classes are conducted during the swimming season.
               Choirs from the Intermediate School and High School attain a very
           high standard.
               Crusader meetings are held once each week for both boys and
               ENROLMENTS : The Principal will be in attendance at the school
           on Thursday, January 31, and Friday, February 1, 1957. from 9 a.m.-12
           noon, for the purpose of interviewing parents and enrolling new pupils
           into the High School.
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