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Page 66                          Wynnum High and Intermediate School
                         Wynnum State High School


               Address : Wynnum.
               ’Phone Number ; XM 2806.
               Courses ; Intermediate School. First and Second Forms which
           correspond to the Seventh and Eighth Primary Grades. On the com
           pletion of Second Form work pupils sit for the Intermediate Qualifying
           and State Scholarship Examinations. Success in either of these
           examinations permits pupils to proceed to the High School without
           payment of fees.

                                    HIGH SCHOOL.
           A.  Academic to Senior Standard.
               (a) Junior Subjects. English, Latin or History, French, Geography,
                   Maths. A, Maths. B, Physics, Chemistry.
               (b) Senior Subjects. English, Latin or Chemistry, French,
                  Geography, Maths. 1, Maths. 2, or History, Physics.
           B.  Industrial to Junior Standard.
               Subjects : English, Maths. A, Maths. B, Chemistry, Physics,
               Geometrical Drawing and Perspective, Industrial A (Woodwork),
               Industrial B (Sheet-Metal work), Industrial C (Trade Drawing).
           C.  Commercial to Junior Standard.
               Subjects. English, French, Geography, Maths. A, Maths. B,
               Bookkeeping and Business Methods, Shorthand, Typing.
           D.  Home Science to Senior Standard.
               (a) Junior Subjects. English, Geography, Maths. A, Chemistry,
                   Physics, Physiology, Home Science A, Home Science B.
               (b) Senior Subjects. English, Geography, Zoology, Chemistry,
                   Home Science A, Home Science B.
               Industrial Juniors wishing to proceed to Senior can do Junior
           French in their Senior years for Matriculation purposes.
               The Senior Academic Course covers University Matriculation re
           quirements and provides opportunities for candidates to proceed to the
           University on Open Scholarships, Fellowships, or Commonwealth
           Scholarships. It also permits of entry to the Royal Military College,
           Duntroon, Teaching Service and Public Service (State and Common
               Junior Courses give the necessary qualifications for entry into
           Commercial Houses, Nursing, State Public Service, Banks, Teaching
           Service and Skilled Trades.
               Intermediate : No Departmental Fees.
               High School : Paying Students Departmental Fee £2/16/- per term
           or £8/8/- per year.
               General Purpose Fee : Intermediate School, 12/- per year per
               High School, 15/- per year per family.
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