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          The role played by the Red Cross during the War is well known to most
       people, but the continuous and varied services offered by this fine organisation
       in peace time, are, perhaps, not so widely realized by the average citizen.
          Some of these services are as follows: Blood Transfusion Service; Transport
       of Sick, Blind and Crippled; Welfare Service; Margate Home for Children;
       Providing Hospital Libraries; Inman Home for Aged Ladies; Talking Book
       Libraries for the Blind; Rest Rooms at Public Hospitals for Relatives of
       Dangerously Ill: Training Centre for Incapacitated at Rosemount; Training
       in Handicrafts for Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen and Women; Disaster Relief;
       Red Cross Team with the Armed Forces in Malaya; Overseas Disaster Relief;
       First Aid and Home Nursing Programmes; Junior Red Cross Training; and
       Medical Loan.
          All this provides a very valuable service to the whole community, and
       when to this is added the fact that it is proposed to erect a new Blood Bank
       Building in Queen Street, at a cost of £350,000, it will be realized that apart
       from the voluntary help given by people from all walks of life, and money
       raised by these people, a vast sum of money is needed every year to continue
       providing these services. In this connection, the Red Cross holds a door-to-door
       appeal once a year, and this year students from our High School were asked
       to assist. On Saturday, 25th of March, 65 Wynnum High School students
       responded to this call, and working from several centres in the Wynnum-
       Manly-Lota Districts collected the sum of £172/3/-, towards the total of £500,
       which was collected from the whole district.
          It is felt that special mention should be made of the efforts from the
     boys of Form 3A3.
          In his remarks on our part in the appeal, the Principal expressed the hope
     |.that our interest in Red Cross might continue and that, perhaps, we might assist
     -in next year’s collection.

        L With the coming of the eighth day of August, 1961, came the second of our
       bi-annual visits to the Bremer State High School, Ipswich.
          On our arrival we were most cordially greeted by the students and taken
       with utmost hospitality on a tour of their magnificent ultra-modern high school.
          Teams bearing the Grey and Gold of Bremer and the Green and Grey
       of Wynnum competed with great vigour and keenness in various outdoor
       sporting activities.
          Girls participated in hockey, tennis and basketball, while the boys endeav
       oured to show their superiority in Rugby League, hockey, soccer and tennis.
          Although we met with only moderate success on the sporting fields, it did
       nothing to dampen our spirits and the friendly and sporting atmosphere in which
      these contests were fought. We all know that it is not the winning that makes
       a day such as this a success but the manner in which it is conducted. It was
      the full awaieness of this fact by all present which made the day a remarkable
      At the conclusion of our sporting activities we were entertained at an
      excellent spread of afternoon tea. Three hearty cheers from each student brought
      to an appropriate finish a most successful day.
          As the sun sank low in the hills to the west we bade ‘adieu’ to our friends;
       hoping to give them such a day when they come to visit us in the forthcoming

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