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P. 161

                       Monday morning we all know.
                         School begins, so off we go
                       Up the hill and down the road
                         Carrying our heavy load.
                       Maybe wishing we could be
                         Sitting lazy by the sea.
                       Tuesday morning’s not so bad.
                         So we depart feeling glad
                       That we have done our homework well
                           Maybe . . but there’s the bell;
                       It’s dancing lessons for today
                         So, let us leave without delay.
                       At last the middle day’s begun,
                         It’s Wednesday now, two days to come.
                       Sport takes up all the afternoon,
                         No wasting time with “Lorna Doone”;
                       Tennis, cricket, and other sports,
                         Are SO much better than term reports.
                       Thursday; the week has nearly passed,
                         There’s Friday next, but that’s the last,
                       Cadets, the main item of today
                         March smartly past while bagpipes play,
                       Although they have a practice often
                         They would be better stuffed with cotton.
                       Friday’s the day, the day that’s fine,
                         For two days’ spell are next in line.
                       The week’s a long and tiresome one,
                         But we’ve a sense of work “Well Done”;
                        Some teachers think we can’t do less,
                         But I recommend W.H.I.S.
                                                  — Jan Stickley (4C2)

                           Just before the battle, mother
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