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         Accepting the challenge implicitly thrown at them by U.S.S.R. and U.S.A.
        successes in the Space Race, astrophysicists of the W.H.I.S. Aeionautics and
     Space Research Organisation from their Headquarters in Room 1 have become
         increasingly concerned that the conquest of outer space by these rival powers is
        giving them the traditional military advantage of “high ground” for any
     aggressive policies they may be fermenting against Wynnum Cadet forces.
         Professor Yonwin, Chief of the W.H.I.S.A.S.R.O. (Strategic Division),
     recently completed investigations on the reasons for the failure of last year’s ill-
     fated Phutt-nik; and has exhorted all loyal WHIS-covites to an urgent programme
     to launch his resultant Phutt-nik II into a SQUARE orbit around the earth.
         The exciting concept of a WHIStronaut whirling in a square locus around
     a spherical globe poses the absorbing navigational problem, how will he know
     when he comes to the corners? This, says Professor Yonwm, calls for a temold
     intensification of educational and technological effort in the WHIS programme.
         Simultaneously with the brilliant work of Professor Yonwin, Dr. V.
     Klaikailietis, Chief of the T.S.F.P.T.T.B. (Tuck Shop Food Products Tasting
     and Testing Bureau), has published a White Paper setting out his findings on
     Comparative Effects of Differential Dietary Practices as Educational St.muli.
     Providentially, the genial Dr. K. thus supplies the Professor with the vital
     know-how of educational reform and ultimately with the solution of his astro-
     navigational problem.
         Basing his research on Napoleon’s dictum that an army marches around on
     its stomach, Dr. K. postulated the hypothesis that a scholar’s intellectual potential
         is dynamically coupled with the infusion of nutrient molecules into his duodenum.
         He tested random samples in the following classifications :—
         (a)  296 sandwich eaters,
         (b)  39 hot-dog devourers,
         (c)  416 hot-pie partakers.
         Conclusions were as follows :—
         1. Continued sandwich intake has debilitating effects. Most subjects
           developed unpleasant symptoms characterised by long hair (plaited, tat
           tered, matted, or hatted), long fingernails, soft flabby bodies, shrill voices,
           knock-knees, and wan complexions. They favoured less robust games
           exemplified by vigoro, skipping, hop-scotch and drop-the-hankie. Muscle
           expansion measured on the Biceptometer revealed an average biceps
           expansion of .003 centimetres. The Cerebellograph measured brains as
           smaller and fewer by 63.05 per cent. To these unfortunate subjects was
           applied the generic classification, Feeble Male (abbr. Female).
         2.  Results were even less encouraging with the hot-dog eaters. Unfortunately
           no Biceptometer or Cerebellograph statistics are available owing to the
           extreme difficulty of locating any evidence of either brain or brawn. A
           large percentage registered symptoms of such advanced atrophy of
           physique as to necessitate transport to and from school in cars of a
           range of vintage comparable with the whole gamut of automotive evolu
           tion. Further evidence of nutritional deficiency was demonstrated by
           chronic diminution of cranial hair, by optical myopia necessitating
           maximum vigilance by pedestrians in their path, by vocalised irritability
           during school sessions, and by their frenzied recourse to frequent stimulants
           like tea, tobacco, and/or Aspros in their Staff Rooms.
         3.  The hot-pie eaters revealed heartening evidence of optimum physical and
           mental development. This group produced 96% of cadets, and 100% of
           footballers, cross-country runners, scholars and athletes. Both the Bicepto
           meter and the Cerebellograph lacked sufficient positive calibration to
           measure the full extent of muscular and intellectual capacities. This was
           attributed in the main to the enlightened policy of school authorities in
           abandoning former allegiance to the Round-Pie Bloc and switching to the
           revolutionary Square Pie, thus ensuring an all round square meal at each
         Practical application of Dr. K’s. findings to Professor Y’s. problem in

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