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           The Boys’ Crusader Group extends an invitation to all students to attend
        its weekly meetings.
           This year we have had a change in leadership. We thank Mr. Ron Sands
        for his excellent leadership and welcome his successor, Mr. Lex Irvine. We
        believe God has blessed the talks we have had from His Word, the Bible. These
        talks have been given by our leaders, occasionally one of the students and we
        have also been privileged this term to have many visiting speakers. Each term
        we have had a combined meeting with the girls’ group. Our guest speakers this
        year were Mr. W. Pethybridge and Mr. Alan Cunningham.
           Each year we have a combined outing. Last year we had a boat trip to
        Dunwich. We are planning another outing this year to which all interested are
           All boys who have never attended one of our meetings are invited to
        come along and learn what God teaches us in His Word. We have learnt much
        concerning the Christian way of living. Our main theme is God’s plan of
        Salvation which is in Christ Jesus. Many of our members are Christians through
        trusting Christ as their Saviour.
           Our motto is “Witnesses unto Me”. It is found in Acts 1:8 where Christ
        promises those who trust Him that “Ye shall be witnesses unto Me”.

                            Girl Leader: Eunice Clarke
           Each Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. the Girls’ Crusader Meeting is held in room 9.
      K We are grateful to our Principal for the opportunity of holding these meetings,
        and to Mrs. Robertson who comes each week to speak to us from God’s Word,
      p the Bible.
           Miss Baruch, a Jewess engaged in Christian work among young people,
        was our only visiting speaker. In combined meetings with the boys on two
        occasions, we were privileged to have as guest speakers Mr. Pethybridge and
      I' Mr. Alan Cunningham. Once each month the message has been given by a
        senior girl.
           Crusader swimming and athletic carnivals provide opportunities of meeting
      I Crusaders from other schools, and competing against them. Although unsuccess
        ful in swimming, we have hopes of retaining the athletics cup which we won
        last year.
           Several of our Crusaders have enjoyed all the fun and fellowship of camp
        life at the Crusader camps held during each vacation. Five girls also attended
        the annual science week-end at Margate.
           If you have never attended Crusaders before, why not join us at one of the
        meetings ? We hope you will find, as we have, that the Christian life is the only
        life that really satisfies.

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