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are the horrible results of radio-active transmutation (maybe she's right !)
          M. GALLWEY (thinks): “Wonder what Jocelyn will disagree with today."
          The quietness is broken by:—
          A DRAMATIC UTTERANCE: “If I ever lose Dornell, I'11 die !”
          Enter ROBYN—a typical mad author—speaks up now and again but mostly
          Enter DORNELL She’s a Wylie one ! a sheep in wolf's clothing.
          DORNELL (very worried): “Has anyone seen Rob ?”
              No need for Rob to die, after all.

          Scene 3: The same — a little while later.
          “Aah . . . tish . . . ooooh !” — Crash (there goes another window).
          Enter CHRISTINE—she’s already broken three windows with her man-sized
          M. GALLWEY has just recovered from the shock when he has further
       cause for despair:—
          Enter TONY — a fully imported body.
          M. GALLWEY (thinks): “Why, that fellow finds it easier to pronounce the
       French ‘r’ than I do.”
          Just to prove we are not entirely ruthless :—-
          Enter RUTH — She knows of Milton, Wordsworth, Pope,
                        And leaves us all without much hope.
          Enter PAM (not far behind) — but she swims better than she runs —
       receives no salary for instructing in Maths 1.

                                ACT THREE
          Scene I: Still Room 1, W.H.I.S.
          “Puff! puff! puff!”
          Enter BELIEVERS IN EXERCISE (returning after a daily gallop round
       the oval):—
          HEATHER- an Amazon, most powerful of the fair, followed by PHYLLIS
       —expert looker of daggers — endeavours to reform the 6th Form boys.
          PHYLLIS: “You shouldn’t be doing that, you know.”
          Next comes EUNICE—No! where is she ? Why, she's been sitting there
       all the time—completely detached from flying objects and devastations about her.
          Scene 2: Partly room 1 and partly the corridor.
          M. GALLWEY (at doorway—shouts in a soft voice): “Travers, Bond,
       Kimber—hurry up—Have you had duties to perform ?”
          Enter, reluctantly, PETER B. —
          ALL: “Full well we laugh with counterfeited glee
                At all his ‘jokes” for many a ‘joke’ has he.”
          Enter, also reluctantly, ALLEN — one of our school captains.
          ALLEN (fuming): “This has gone past a joke !”
          (ASIDE) — “When mad, my voice is the harshest thing about me.”
          Enter, still reluctantly, GRAHAM — hot-headed flame of curls (Have clip
       pers, will cut).
          Scene 3: The same.
          M. GALLWEY (from the doorway): “Hurry inside Lindley, Kennedy,
       Klaikalietis . . . and, in future, don’t come in here when a Franch class is
       in progress — even if you take French !”
          Enter (sheepishly) several boys.
          After a while—Exeunt several boys.
          Scene 4: Room 1, W.H.I.S. — The scene is now set for the French lesson.
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