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comes to sport. For instance, “Antonius” L. Weston ran his course in the school
   sports. He won five races and obtained a third in another. Three of his five wins
    were records. “Antonius” is also the school under 16 champion. He runs faster
   I after not doing his homework. In high-jumping Gary Grant came first and
    Brian Mitchell second, both obtaining these placings by the assistance of a
   transistorized lead accumulator, invented by Professor R. Banks, one of our
    many scientific brains. We also have many footballers in our Form, G. Brier.
    R. Collins, G. Graham, K. Caincross, G. Mahony, L. Weston and I. Udowika,
    to mention only a few, but the footballer most noted would be R. Griffin who
   played in the Brisbane team, down south for one week. We missed him (?).
   We also well represent our school in golf, as two of the eight persons who
   played in the finals came from 4B2.
   FORM 4C1 - -

                       Girl Form Captain: Annette Horton
                           Boy Form Captain: ?..?..?
                 Class Motto: Push, pull, or get out (mainly get out)
         This is a class of well-built boys (Whacker), “Fat puddings with faces like
      cold porridge,” two students francais, two hockey goal scorers, an interstate
      football (?) player, two golf players (Crunch and Grim), school basketball
      players, and ardent Geography students. So you see that we are quite a talented
      lot even though some may not agree.
         We have no specific class clown as all the male portion of our class have
      a sharp sense of wit. Nevertheless we have a prospective magician in our class
      who convinced a certain teacher that he could produce pink elephants from
      under the desk.
         We quite realize that we have our Junior at the end of the year and are
      persevering hard at our study, but, being a modest group, we like to keep our
      talents hidden. We wish all others success in their exams and thank the poor
      teachers for their patience and understanding and we hope that we will reward
    them with “brilliant” results.

      FORM 4C2 - -
                          Form Teacher: Mrs. Taege
                   Form Captains: Darwyn Harris, Valda Beinke
                        Although we haven’t shone at all
                        At hockey, tennis, basketball,
                        Are sometimes very far from bright
                        And, Oh ! so seldom get it right —
                        Our English, Art, Maths. A and B
                        Won’t make a name in history.
                        Our type just doesn’t grace the page
                        Congratulations ! for our age.
                        We boldly, all, will now proclaim
                        With pride (and each will sign his name)
                        “The All True Blue,” “The Happy Crew”
                        “Form 4C2” is Greeting You !
         Signed: Diane Ball, Janice Barbeler, Yvonne Beaumont, Valda Beinke,

      Pat Brodie, Michele Burrows, Betty Caton, Robert Curtis, Vicki Cutlack, Carol
      Dale, Robyn Drevesen, Carol Driver, Faye Dunnell, Diane Goode, Kay Goschnick,
      Marilyn Hamilton, Darwyn Harris, Barbara Hogan, Robyn Howley, Bernice
      Krause, Lynette Madden, Robyn McKelvie, Lauri Moss, Gary O’Neil, Paul
      Paint Barbara Parlato, Patricia Pavey, Christene Pyle, Janette Ricketts, Jennifer
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