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of Mrs. Taege we can all type well, but Beverley Pitt obtained an excellent pass.
          Denise White shines at bookkeeping and topped the class.
          Kelcie Hale really uses her Geography books, as her good results show,
       and Heather McLeish is our top artist.
          Elaine McIntosh does well in all Home Science subjects.
          Our basketball girls are competent players, and wish to spur their various
       teams to success. Hockey is another favourite sport of the girls, and they get
       into the spirit of the game. The tennis members play vigorously and well. These
       two students lead the field in sprinting. They are: Margaret Shelford and Jan
       Harris. The class humourist is Janet Clay who can work well when she wants to.

       FORM 3D - -
          After having ploughed through our beloved studies of amino acids, the
       respiratory tract and procedure for removing stains, we find time to indulge in
       such dismal subjects as Maths. A and Geography. Our famous class, the smallest
       in Third Form, numbers seven. All the members are local residents except Gail,
       who trecks daily to and from Wellington Point. We combine with 3A1 for
       our academic subjects but when French, Latin and Maths. B come along, we
       chortle merrily on our way to resume our Home Science work.
          Rayelee and Yvonne gained top scholastic honours in the class and Chris
       represents the class in the inter-school hockey team.
          When trying our inexperienced hands at cooking we generally end up
       taking an hour to complete the washing-up. Physiology enjoyed by each and
       every student occasionally presents the enjoyable task of butchering a bullock's
       heart or dissecting a guinea pig (who knows one of us may become a celebrated
       surgeon performing a delicate hole in the heart operation?), but more often
       studying squamous epethelium under the microscope. Our achievements in
       sewing are the ultimate in the presence of the great creative mind of Rosemarie
       whose ambition is one day to rule the roost at “Dior” whilst Coral neatly
       excuses herself from the lunch time laundry classes to attend to the important
       duties of librarian. Sally, the quietest member of the class, just says “nuffin”.

       FORM 4A1 - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Hazell
          Position and Size: A small select republic, situated in room 17 with a
       total population of 23 and enslaved by eight powerful dictators.
          Climate: Usually warm and sunny, but, “hark! from the tombs a doleful
       sound”—not another stormy French lesson with Miss Reid, whose witticisms
       cause the atmosphere to become saturated with laughter.
          Occupations of People: Although the natives do not possess outstanding
       academic ability, Glenys Sands set a fine example by obtaining honours in the
       last examination. They have many representatives on the field of sport. These
       include: Barbara, Peggy and Kathy (basketball); Diane and Geraldine (tennis):
       Roslyn and Margaret (hockey); David Illingworth (Rugby League); Tony,
       Howard and David Elson (tennis); Reni (cricket). Cadets are Colin Avery,
       Howard Viccars and David Illingworth. The honour of being class clown goes
       to Kevin with John not far behind him.
          A new “commander-in-chief” arose this year in the person of Mr. Hazell;
       and two deputies, Kathy and Alan were appointed to control the natives. Eight
       industries are carried on, with 16 lessons spent in the study of foreign languages
       (including English) per week. Lc francais ils parlent bien. avec un Aussi accent.
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