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FORM 4A3 - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Doube
                     Form Captains: B. Bondfield, S. Martin
           Position: Room 15.
           Size: Four scholars, 30 others.
           Population: Very dense.
           Build: Ranges from midget to monster.
                 Wide open spaces in most minds.
           Climate: Warm (due to great circulation of hot air).
           Vegetation: Conspicuous outcroppings of stubble on several chins.
           Products: 1. Academic—Wild Bill Bondfield, Geoff. Blakey, Steve Martin,
                        Jim Belford, Graham Critchley.
                   2.  School Rugby League—Bobo Lockwood and Fulton, Jeff
                        Truasheim, Ian Grant, Rod Chadwick, Graham Bell, Jim
                        Stahlut, Peter Triplett, Trev. Ingham. Geoff Vayro, Jeff.
                        Heselwood, Wee Willie Wiley, and Bob Williams.
                   3.  School tennis—Geoff Blakey.
                   4.  School swimming— Peter Castleton and Triplett, Bob Lock
                        wood and Graham Critchley.
           Communications: Paper darts between periods.
           Trade: Exports—many discouraged students.
           Other Features: A waterfall of tears for our famous invalid author K.
              A prize to S. Martin for discharging five rounds in near record time.

      FORM 4B1 - -
                         Form Teacher: Mr. Lendrum
                          Form Captain: John Rose
                          Vice-Captain: Len Moffatt
         Hi There — You There.
         This is 4B1 calling from the ruins of Room II. We think that we are a
      very industrious form, but, as Mr. Lendrum would say. “They’re a useless mob”.
         Our Cadets are—Cpls.: B. Spark and W. Supranowicz. Cadets: J. Andrews,
      R. Bailey, R. Davis, B. Dodd, M. Edie, R. Fraser. L. Moffatt. M. Mercer, B.
      Niebling, D. Pickersgill, B. Simpson and D. Woodforth.
         Our football players are—J. Andrews, B. Dodd, R. Greene, G. Lopez,
      R. Manchtelow, L. Moffatt, J. Noggs, B. Sturgess and W. Supranowicz.
         Our only golf representative is B. Simpson.
         G. Randall and D. Woodforth represented our school in tennis.
         We would like to congratulate D. Woodforth for his splendid performance
      in the Queensland schoolboys’ bantamweight boxing championship. This is his
      second consecutive win.
         Now we would like to ask the sixty-four dollar- question: “What does
      Mr. Weise do with all the sweets he takes from 4B1 ?” Would anyone having
      any information concerning this matter, please contact 4B1 as soon as possible.

      FORM 4B2 - -
                           Form Teacher: Mr. Lee
         This is 4B2 calling from room 7A. the room where the noise of teachers
      trying to drum facts and definitions into the already scientific brains of 4B2
      mingles with the sounds of flying projectiles and howls of pain, and the inde
      scribable noises which even the students themselves are afraid of. Although
      we may not be exactly brilliant, we do have a great deal to show when it
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