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FORM 3B1 - -
                        Form Teacher: Mr. Schuntner
                 Form Captains: Bill Brosnan, Graham Neville
                      To us, the boys of 3B1,
                      Each day is just one ton of fun,
                      The teachers try to turn on the heat,
            . But find themselves in full retreat,
                      Although to them we are a pest,
                      We think that we are just THE BEST.
        Academically, our leaders are Bill Brosnan, Gary Williams and Trevor
     Ponton. Most of our school time is spent writing Physics for Mr. Lendrum and
     doing Mr. Christensen’s favourite theorems. We are getting better at dodging
     blackboard rulers, and Mr. McCormack has no trouble in reading our “secret
     signals” regarding playground duty.
        G. Cordwell, H. Rozukalns and G. Williams are our best athletes, but our
     greatest sporting ability is on the football field. G. Neville, L. Roberts, B.
     Wakefield, H. Rozukalns, J. Powell, B. Brosnan, I. Vayro, J. Brants and C. Rice
     all played football for the school. Our form is protected from invasion by
     Cadets Neville, Goener, Harris, Cordwell, Archie and Chantler.

     FORM 3B2 - -
                       Form Teacher: Mr. Christensen
                   Form Captains: John Sear, Danny Etchell
        Beware all other tenants of room 6A. The permanent residents—3B2—
     have an exceptional talent for detecting foreign marks about the room.
        Apart from the pastime of watching the ceiling, we do take some interest
     in our school work.
        Our form teacher, Mr. Christensen, tries rather unsuccessfully to teach us
     the fundamentals of Algebra and Compound Interest.
        The form is well represented in most sporting fields.
        Danny Etchell (8 st.), Alan Neilsen, David Knight, Norman Brown, Michael
     Graham, Kevin Carlton. Bill Holland and Ray Kermode (7 st.) are keen par
     ticipants in Rugby League matches whilst Graham Bell represents the form in
     inter-school tennis fixtures. Our inter-school soccer representatives are Ken
     Maas and David Knight. The form’s most outstanding cricketers are Peter
     Brown and Gregory Bell.
        We of 3B2 would like to thank our teachers for the trouble they have gone
     to in correcting our examination papers.
        Lastly, we wish all Scholarship, Junior and Senior candidates success and
     Season’s Greetings to all.
     FORM 3B3 - -
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Tye
                      Form Captains: F. Fiege, C. Boone
        Most of the boys in our form, 3B3, although not excelling in academic work,
     have been doing quite well in the sporting field. However, we must mention out-
     top scholars who really give the rest of us a little encouragement. They are
     Ian Webb, Nico Coblins, Allan Hoare and Robert Owen.
        On the sporting field we arc well represented in all games. Perhaps out
     most outstanding achievement was to have two of our class win their age title
     in the school athletic carnival. They were Fred Fiege (under 15) and Colin
     Boone (under 14).
        John Ormston, Bill Weise, Nico Coblins, Frank Rix, Edgar Bergins and
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