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   FORM 2A - -
      Hello there ! This is Form 2A calling from room 3. To date it has been
      a very successful year, and this we owe wholly to our form teacher, Mr. Phillips.
      Amongst the successes in our class there are :—
      Form Captains: Michael Bonoguore and Carmelita Ingram.
      Top Girl: Marguerite Elliott.
      Top Boy: Michael Bonoguore.
      Top of'Manual Training: John Browne.
      Top of Domestic Science: Marguerite Elliott.
      Footballers: Colin Ramsden, John Browne, Phillip Edser, Neil Mossop,
      Peter Whibley and Gregory Hansen.
      Swimmers: Boys—John Browne (Mitchell House Champion, 14 years
      division), Fred Smith, Tony Wiggins (Wynnum Radio Shield Competitors).
      Girls—Barbara Tickle (Mitchell House Champion, 14 years division).
      Life-saving: Barbara Tickle (six awards).
      Cricket: Neil Mossop, Des. Dunkley, Phillip Westlake, Wayne Mason, Greg.
      Hansen, Phillip Edser, David Preston.
      The class likes are: P.T. (Physical Torture), Sport, Holidays.
      The class dislikes are: Homework, Exams, Detention, etc.
      We would like to thank Mr. Phillips for trying to impress in our minds the
      work needed to pass the forthcoming examination.

   FORM 2B - -
                         Form Teacher: Mr. McAllister
                   Form Captains: Lynette McLean, Ron Dolby
               Vice-Captains: Hilary Unsworth, Vernon Kocho
      Our Form is well represented in sport.
      Girls’ Tennis: Lynette McLean, Dawn Grimley, Lynette Schmidt, Jennifer
      Green, Betty Brown, Lyn Weight, Rae Sercombe, Margaret Western, Carol
      Dowding and Roslyn Mitchell.
      Girls’ Basketball: Hilary Unsworth, Elga Petersons and Carolyn Pedler.
      Boys’ Tennis: John Myatt, Trevor Muir, John Richters.
      Cricket: Peter Henderson, Graeme Hambrook, Tony Andrews, Ron Dolby,
      Vernon Kocho, Robert Lowe, Paul Dunstan.
          Rugby League: Jimmy Molyneux, Ron Dolby, Paul Dunstan, Brian Gale.
      Roslyn Mitchell and Dawn Grimley represented us in the G.P.S. Sports.
      Ron Dolby has been chosen to represent Brisbane 6-stone Rugby team against
      country towns. Our only hockey player is Nance-Marie Kennedy.
      Top girl in the 2nd Term examination was Margaret Western, while
      the top boy was John Myatt.
      Top for home science was Roslyn Mitchell.
      Top for manual training was Robert Sperling.
      Mr. Thorne teaches us Manual Training. Miss Westerman teaches home
      Our motto —
                      Form 2B, as you shall see
                      Excels in brains and energy
                      Where do we come from, what's our name
                      2B is the form of fame.
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