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skilled tactical employment of the Platoon. All credit to CUO
         MCDONALD and his 2 i/c SGT. KLAIKALIETIS who spent some
         hours in preparatory map study of the Circuit and to his Section
         Commanders and their Cadets on a good performance.
      (ii)  Band-Medical
         The Band-Medical second year Cadets were detached for three days
         for tuition in these subjects organised by Battalion. During the two-day
         Exercise, members of our Section were attached to HQ Groups and
         Platoons where they were equipped and ready to perform normal
         duties of First Aid.
    (iii)  Intelligence
         Two Intelligence NCOs left school early this year and since then very
         little Intelligence work has been carried out. We missed this group in
         Camp, particularly with the Unit Exercise where their knowledge of
         map-marking and preparation of sand-models provided more realism.
         It is intended to reform the Section in the new year.
    (iv) Signals
         Signals personnel were also detached for specialist training for three

         days. For the Circuit they were attached to HQ Groups and Platoons
         and carried out their normal duties. SGT. DRIVER expressed satis
         faction with his signallers throughout the Camp.
      (v)  First Year Training
         First Year training was wholly a Unit responsibility and LT. G.
         STUBBS, assisted by UNDER OFFICERS TRAVERS and BOND and
         their competent NCOs maintained interest at a high level throughout.
         Apart from the formal morning parade which I consider a necessary
         factor in the maintenance of Unit Camp discipline, drill was reduced
         to a minimum. First Years took part in interesting field training with
         development from individual skill in fieldcraft to teamwork within the
         Group-Section. Section exercises were then conducted providing excel
         lent practice in tactics and leadership for the Section Commanders. I
         observed enthusiasm, enjoyment and steady progress.
    (vi)  Obstacle Course
         A most interesting feature of our training was the obstacle course
         designed to build a cadet’s confidence in his ability to cross difficult
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