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    Individual Effort



                            by Capt. D. H. GRIFFITH

        Four Officers of Cadets, three Under Officers and one hundred and one
    Other Ranks attended Camp at GREENBANK from 9th-l0th August to 19th
    August, 1961.
        With a Unit strength of one hundred and eleven, this was a record and is
    indicative of the great enthusiasm of our Cadets for their Annual Field Training.
    2.  UNIT AREA
        The Unit occupied the 1960 area. This is a sound plan as CUOs and
    senior NCOs have a knowledge of fixed installations, Headquarter areas and
    training localities and time spent in re-orientation of a new position is saved.
        To overcome the half day lost by later entry of the Advance Party it was
    decided to take a work party to GREEN BANK on Sunday, 6th August. The
    cadets worked with a will and by the end of the day, all canvas was up.
        Once again, under the direction of LT. R. A. DOUBE, an excellent layout
    was achieved for Administration. ‘Q,” Messing, and the platoon tent arrange
    ment allowed for clearly defined areas of responsibility and authority for the
    Section Commanders.
    3.  MARCH IN
        The Main Body marched into Camp on Thursday, 10th August. This day
    was spent in Administration and “Q” activity. Platoon Commanders, NCOs
    and Duty personnel moved quickly and efficiently into the pattern of Day 1
    routine and by evening the Unit was functioning as a Unit.
        The importance of pre-Camp planning was again demonstrated by the quick
    integration of Administration. Training and “Q”.
    4.  TRAINING
        The scheme of training was the same as for 1960. Second year personnel
    and specialists were detached for five days training organised by Battalion.
    This consisted of demonstrations, lectures and a two-day Circuit Exercise.
        LT. M. J. McCORMACK was again attached to Battalion as Training
    Officer. All Units benefited from his experience in the control of training areas
    and allocation of training stores.
         (i)  Second Year Infantry
            The Unit provided two Sections commanded by SGT. ELMS and
            CPL. PRESTON to take part in Battalion Training. Later, these two
            Sections with one from CAVENDISH ROAD Unit attached, formed
            a Platoon under Command CUO McDonald and took part in the
            two-day Circuit Exercise. By the end of the Manoeuvre, reports from
            other Platoons and from ARA “Enemy”, left no doubt as to the
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