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were very pleased to have with us Mr. W. Gunn, M.L.A. We do thank him for
      his keen interest in our school.
          On 5th August a team of Wynnum girls competed in the annual G.P.S.
      Athletic Carnival. The girls did quite well to improve their position by one.
      Congratulations must go to the Juniors who gained seventh place in the Junior
      Cup. This promises a brighter future for us, Wynnum ! Our best performances
      were registered by K. Dare and E. Gibbs, who gained places in the 13 years and
      14 years 60 yds. respectively, and H. Sands who gained a place in the 220 yds.
      open. Wynnum’s “event of the day" was our record-breaking Junior leader
      ball result. Congratulations, girls, on your splendid effort ! Unfortunately,
      Grammar also broke the record, finishing just ahead of us. Our Past Pupils
      also proved their worth in gaining second place in their relay.
          The other Athletics Carnival in which our girls participated was a three-way
      meet. Strong predominance in ball games gave Wynnum a 44 point win over
      Balmoral. Camp Hill was the other competing school in the Carnival which
      was held on Balmoral oval. Wynnum won the girls' section with 1521 points
      to Balmoral’s 931 and Camp Hill's 62. There were only five events in which
      we did not gain first places.
          Our most important Carnival is Q.S.S.S.S.A. We are hoping to make this
      a very successful close to the season.
          Congratulations to all who have participated in any of these Carnivals. You
      must feel proud to have represented your house or school on these occasions.
          These notes would be incomplete without a word of thanks to all staff
      members who have helped in any way to train us in Athletics. The competitors
      would especially like to thank Miss Deaville and Miss Rohde for the time and
      patience  they  have  put  into  coaching  us.  We  only  hope  that  results  will  insome  way
    repay them for their efforts.

                         3-Way Athletics Meet

    BOYS —
        On the 9th August, one week after our own Athletics Carnival, Wynnum
    was the guest, along with Camp Hill, of Balmoral State High School. The
    aim of the afternoon's sport was to enable athletes from the three schools to
    gain some experience in competing against stiffer competition than could be
    found in normal training. Although some of our competitors were on the sick
    list, Wynnum succeeded in winning first place, and was presented with a pennant
    to mark the occasion.
        H. Rozalkalns annexed the sprint double with the under 15 100 yds. and
    220 yds. F. Feige and D. Fairweather also won their events.
        Under 16 competition was not easy, and Leigh Weston ran first in the 100
    yds., but was narrowly defeated for the 220 yds. R. Casey again demonstrated
    his ability in the half-mile, while R. Deighton and I. Udowicka clinched first
    places in their respective events.
        Noel Gallagher, although not in top form, gained places in open mile and
    half-mile events. R. Grant jumped to within 1 in. of Wynnum’s high jump
    record to win the event. S. McDonald won places in the broad jump and 440

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