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object of the game was to score goals, both teams improved rapidly and
     considerably. Most goals for the two teams were scored by Marilyn Hamilton
     and Robyn Drevesen.
         The first team won and lost an equal number of matches, scoring 12
     points in the competition, to come seventh out of 14 schools, while the second
     team scored 18 points to win the B grade competition.
         Marilyn Hamilton was selected to play for a Brisbane school girls team in
     Rockhampton in August. Congratulations to ail the girls on their keenness and

       success in the competition.
         Back Row: Sandra Batchelor, C. Taylor, R. Smith, S. Hunting, E. Ross,
             B. Curtis, M. Lye, R. Richardson, D. Sdrcombe.
                                Front Row: A. Marshall, Miss Reid, M. Hamilton.

                           Successful Basketball Season

          On the whole, this year, Wynnum teams had a successful basketball season.
          As in previous years, four teams competed in Q.S.S.S.S.A. and G.P.S.
          In Q.S.S.S.S.A. fixtures, the A team was runner-up to Balmoral in this
       Zone. The B, C and D teams won their Zone Premiership, defeating Mt.
       Gravatt, Camp Hill, Balmoral and Yeronga. Congratulations must go to these
       three teams, for, although they did not reach the finals of the Inter-Zone
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