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Buwalda (M), B. Wakefield (M), share runners-up honours with seconds.
         For the third year Oxley proved the superior house winning 276 points
      (1). Mitchell (197), Kennedy (204), and Cunningham (88) provided spirited
      competition and comparing Oxley's 166 points margin of last year with only
      72 points this year, Oxley House cannot afford to be complacent about its
      swimming abilities.
         Particular thanks go to the officials of the Boys’ Carnival: The House
      Masters and Messrs. McAllister, Griffith, O’Mara, Hazell, Lendrum, Cox, and
      Lee. The Result Steward was Miss Scales. Under Mr. Proctor’s orders R. Elms,
      K.  McTaggart, A. Stamp and A. Preston prepared the pool and cleaned up
      after the carnival—they also had the extremely good fortune to assist at the
      Girls’ Carnival.
         This year, for the second time, Wynnum High was host to its ’twin’ school,
      Roma High. Many thanks to those who billetted our guest swimmers. In the
      S.S. Trials we fielded some eight individual swimmers and three relay teams. R.
      Ricketts, place-getter in the 1960 U/16 backstroke, entered the final of the
      Open backstroke with a second in his heat. Although defeated his effort was
      our only success. Roma High shared eighth place with Nambour. Brisbane
      (55) won the laurels from Cavendish Road (45). Wynnum was unplaced; which
      is definitely a falling off from last year’s result which gave the school 13th place.
         High praise goes to those boys who competed in the Q.S.S.S.S.A. for,
      though outclassed by these new scientific water-machines, they gave of their
      best. Lastly, but most important, the boys and the school must realize the
                          debt they owe to Mr. Doube and Mr. Christensen.

                          Girls Swimming restricted by Baths
                          closing -----------

         The closure of the baths for half the season had a serious effect on the
      results of the competitions. In the State Secondary Carnival only C. Bryning,
      backstroke, and K. Petersen. R. McKelvie, C. Bryning, H. Sands, open relay,
      reached the finals. In the Girls’ Secondary Carnival our only points were
      secured by W. Abbott, fifth in 13 years breaststroke, and J. Boardman, S. Jaillet,
      R. Drevesen and B. Clark in junior relay.
         In the Primary Schools’ competition for the Beverley Barnes Cup, B. Tickle,
      H. Dennings, Y. Butt and R. Urwin were successful in bringing back the trophy
      to the school. B. Tickle also represented the Wynnum District in Primary
      School Championships of Queensland.
         The Girls’ Inter-House Carnival was conducted separately this season and
      was most successful. The competition was very keen and the afternoon was
      very enjoyable. The individual champions were
         Over 15 years: C. Bryning.
         Over 15 years: K. Petersen.
         Over 14 years: B. Clark.
         Under 14 years: W. Abbott.

            ★ This Page generously donated by P. M. BENJAMIN, CHEMIST,
           Bay Terrace, Wynnum.
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