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9 Stoners chequered year—

                                   Coach: Mr. Thorne.
                                   Captain: J. Maccoll.
         This team had a rather chequered career. They started the season with
      a very inexperienced team, but with hard training by all players developed into
      a solid combination, making their presence felt in the “9 stone” grade series.
      They had a very strong back line but lacked support from their forwards. All
      players gave of their best with the outstanding players in the backs being R.
      Chadwick and G. Hurren, while J. Maccoll was the best forward. The team
      played seven games, won four and lost three.

      8 Stoners demonstrate good spirit

         The  8  Stone  team  opened  this  season  with  a  trial  game
      against Balmoral,
      which,  in  spite  of  a  win,  revealed  some  glaring  deficiencies
      which were to prove
      a headache before the season was out, viz. the lack of any pace in the outside
      backs and the lack of thrust, generally in the entire backline.
         The team soon settled down and rapidly showed signs of moulding into a
      good combination, with Robert Griffin showing particularly good form as
      hooker. They won their first two games, one of them against a particularly
      efficient side in Camp Hill.
         For the remainder of the season, they steadily improved, winning all
      games, with the forwards dominating play at all times, sometimes against teams
      markedly superior in weight.
         They met Camp Hill again in the first semi-final and, after a close tussle
      won by 5 points to 3. They were defeated 11-7 in the second semi-final by
      Banyo (a fine side who play the game for the sake of the game), after losing
      Griffin during the second half. Our congratulations go to this side, with whom
      we always enjoy our Wednesday afternoon’s football.
         Tally—Games played 8; games won 6.
         Best forward—R. Griffin.
         Best back—T. Ingham.

                          Two 7 Stone Rugby League teams
                          played well
                            Coach: R. K. Mahoney.
         Record: Matches played 9, won 7, lost 2. Points; For 165, against 29.
         This year two 7 Stone teams were drawn from the 40-odd boys who trained
      regularly on the school oval. Practice took the form of an actual game between
      A and B teams and from these “friendly” engagements a strong A team was
      selected each week. Both teams played in the same competition and it must
      be said of the B team that they were courageous in defeat. “Key” men were.
      frequently taken from the B team to strengthen the A team and this weakened
      their combination. The B team was ably led by Geoff. Hezelwood, and although
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