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competition, tying with Kennedy and Oxley. There were nine Mitchell repre
     sentatives in inter-school teams.
        We were also well represented in school hockey teams. M. Hamilton is
     to be congratulated on gaining a place in a Brisbane team.
        We must also congratulate M. McDonald for his win in the school golf
        On the athletics field Mitchell lacked the winning form, but was placed
     third in an interesting carnival in which the competition was keen. Noteable
     performances were registered by E. Morgan, N. Gallagher, R. Sperling, B. Nichols
     and A. Travers who won the open championship. B. Mitchell, D. Etchell and
     A. Buwalda competed with success. Outstanding girl sprinters were Y. Beaumont
     and K. Dare who broke the under 14 75 yards record. Our ball games teams
     won places in all but two events. B. Clark, Y. Beaumont, J. Fleming and E.
     Clarke also played in G.P.S. teams.
        Congratulations are in order for the other houses where their best was
     better than ours. Thanks must also go to the teachers who devoted considerable
     time and energy to ensure active participation, keen competition and smooth
     running in all house activities. V V
     HOUSE MISTRESS: Miss Lenehan.
     HOUSE MASTER: Mr. Doube.
     HOUSE CAPTAINS: Christine Sims, John Lindley.
     ONCE again Oxley’s colours adorn the magazine. This is because Oxley was
       the premier house in 1960.
        1961 has been a year of mixed success for Oxley. The over-all points are
     uncertain, but we stand a good chance of keeping the mauve standards flying.
        For the third year in succession Oxleyites donned their water-wings in order
     to win the swimming carnival. Girl champions were: Carol Bryning (open) and
     Glenys Sands (under 16). The boys surpassed themselves, winning every cham
     pionship. They were: Peter Bell (open), Alan Preston (under 16), Peter Castleton
     (under 15), Terry O’Shea and Billy Petersen (under 14).
        In the athletics meet, Oxley’s most serious competitor was Kennedy House.
     Perhaps our most outstanding feat was in the under 15 ball games where our A
     team gained first place in each of the six events and set three new records. Thanks
     go here to Pam Hafner (house vice-captain) for much help in training. Barbara
     Turnbull with 16 points and Lee Western with 54 points took the under 16
     championships. Congratulations also to R. Sands (house vice-captain) and H.
     Rozakaulns for some very fine running.
        The boys tennis has not yet been played. The girls came third in the inter
     house competition. Michelle Jordanna played some strenuous tennis to beat half
     the A school team, and become runner-up in the school championship.
        The cricket has not yet been completed. Oxley, with seven points, is coming
     second to Cunningham.
        Congratulations also to Chris. Semple who won the school golf championship.
        Oxley was well represented in inter-school basketball with Pam Hafner in the
     A team, Joy Roberts, Dawn Young and Teryl Joyce in the B team, Carol
     Bryning in the C, and Helen Mackay, Margaret Dunstan, Melinda Hutchinsen
     and Roslyn Barrie in the D team. In the inter-house competition Oxley was
     defeated by Cunningham.
        Oxley had a good representation in inter-school football, with fine games
     played by Warwick Wockner, Vitauts Klaikalietis and Johnny McColl who cap
     tained the nine-stone team.
        In the academic field, Barbara Turnbull and Glenys Sands are battling it out
     for junior dux.
        We were sorry to lose our boy vice-house captain, Andris Kichno. Roger
     Sands was elected in his place.
        Our sincerest thanks go to Miss Lenehan and Mr. Doube for all the work
     they have put in to make 1961 such a successful year
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