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June 20: “My face. Is this long strip of skin
              Which bears of worry many a trace,
              Of sallow hue, of features thin,
              This mass of seams and lines, my face ?”
         School photographs were taken.
                     “It is always in season for old men to learn.”
         Sixth Form played soccer against Fifth Form. With much encouragement
         from the sidelines Fifth Form won—-3-1.
     June 26: “Victory belongs to the most persevering.”
         The valiant lads of Sixth and Fifth again tangled, this time in Rugby League.
         The Seniors were spurred on to win 7-3.
     July 4: “ Youth comes but once in a lifetime.”
         In honour of Youth Week, our students formed part of a massed gathering
         of Brisbane Secondary School Students in the Botanical Gardens. After
         being addressed by honoured guests, we took part in the march through
         city streets, past the G.P.O. where the Governor took the salute.
     July 5: After reaching the semi-finals, the C and D Grade basketball teams
         were beaten narrowly.
     July 12: The pride and joy of Wynnum High—The B Grade basketball team
         was unfortunately defeated by Cavendish Road in their semi-final, by the
         narrowest of margins.
     July 19: “Dead on the Field of Honour.”
         Second Term Examinations closed in on us.
     July 26: The Open Mile was run. Noel Gallagher of Mitchell won.
     July 28: The Open 440, Under 16 440, and the Girls’ 220 yards were run.
     July 31: “On with the dance, let joy be unconfined.”
         Second Term Social was held in the Library Hall.
     August 2: “If all the year were playing holidays
                To sport would be as tedious as to work.”
         Kennedy House was victorious at the Interhouse Sports.
     August 5: The Girls’ G.P.S. Sports were held at the Brisbane Cricket Grounds.
         We gained 10 points and improved our position from 11th to 10th. It was
         not our best effort but it was certainly not our worst.
     August 8: Approximately 100 students visited Bremer for an afternoon’s sport.

             WHS Cadets attend Beating Retreat Ceremony at Victoria Barracks

     August 9: The advance party of Cadets left for Camp.
         The school athletic and ball games teams vied for honours with Camp Hill
         and Balmoral at Balmoral. Wynnum had a clear win. . . ,
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