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A group of High School students attended a Symphony Concert at the City
      March 10: The tennis coaching class started.
      March 13: “The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew ...”
          The Boys’ Swimming Carnival was held at the Manly Baths. Oxley defeated
          all comers, becoming the premier house, on the whole. Mitchell House was
          second, Kennedy third, and Cunningham fourth.
      March 15: “Gratitude is the heart’s memory.”
          The Sixth Form girls visited Commercial to present Miss Nixon with a

          gold badge as a token of our appreciation of her work at Wynnum.
      March 17: “Au revoir et bonne chance.”
          Miss McClanachan left for France.
      March 18 : “What are the wild waves saying ?”
          The Girls’ G.P.S. Swimming Carnival was held. Wynnum participated and
          gained two points. It was not our best effort.
      March 22: Students from Roma High School arrived to take part in the
          Q.S.S.S.S.A. Swimming Carnival. They were billeted during their stay by
          members of our swimming team.
      March 23: “The breaking waves dashed high.”
          The heats of the Q.S.S.S.S.A. Carnival were held at the Valley Baths.
      March 24: “Give me the heart to fight . . . and lose.”
          Following on the trials of the previous day, we entered the State Secondary
          finals with three events to our credit. We finished without scoring.
                     “We wish you luck as we wave you goodbye.”
          Miss Huxam left our hallowed portals to take up teaching in Germany.
          (We have since heard from her and she is enjoying her new life.)
      April 6: “When night hath set her silver lamp on high
              Then is the time to study.”
          First Term Examinations were upon us.
      April 7: “He steps right onward, martial in his air.
               His form and movement.”
          A selected squad of cadets formed a guard for the Retreat Ceremony at
          Victoria Barracks, for which they were highly commended.
      April 19: State Secondary tennis basketball and football fixtures began.
      April 20-22: “When shall we three meet again
                 In thunder, lightning, or in rain ?”
          Senior students saw a presentation of “Macbeth” at Albert Hall.
      April 24: “Lest we forget.”
          The School Anzac Day Service was held. Major Williams was the honoured
          guest speaker.
      April 25: Anzac Day—The Cadet Unit took part in the annual march down
          Bay Terrace, and the service outside the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. Hall.
      April 27: “Come and trip it as ye go
                On the light fantastic toe.”
          The First Term Social was held in the Library Hall.
      April 28: Michael Yonwin and Lee Williams were presented with Bursaries
          awarded by Apex on the continued high standard of their work.
      April 28: Holidays AT LAST.
      May 8: “I want to see you shoot the way you shout.”
          Our Soldier Boys covered themselves with glory on the Enoggera Rifle Range.
      May 20: G.P.S. tennis and basketball fixtures began.
      June 15: “Sweetest melodies are those that are by distance made more sweet.”
          First meeting of the Girls’ Choir.
      June 16: “Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter.”
          The High School Boys’ Choir was called together. This group was soon
          disbanded due to lack of enthusiasm.
                         “It is the contest which delights us,
                      And not the victory.”
          The Hockey I Girls and the Sixth Form Boys met on the field of battle
          (hockey) The boys won—2-nil.
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