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we do congratulate Kennedy on their convincing win. V. Cutlack and L.
     Robertson were representatives in school teams. The boys inter-house fixtures
     are not yet finalised.
         Five teams were entered for girls basketball fixtures and this resulted in a
     victory for Cunningham. Our girls in school teams were: L. Jones (D. Grade
     captain), J. Whitney, P. Paterson, E. Robson and H. Sands.
         Our boys have entered two teams into inter-house cricket. This is not yet
     finalised but so far we are leading in points. Keep it up boys ! We have an
     average representation in inter-school teams. Our boys are represented in most
     inter-school football teams, and we have a particularly good number in the
     6 stone 10 lb. team.
         Several Cunningham girls played in inter-school hockey. Although golf is
     not yet an interschool sport for girls Ruth Hogg is captain of the school
         The main winter event was the athletics carnival. Despite our defeat,
     the open girls championship went to Heather Sands, while Freddie Feige was
     under 15 boy champion. Although in many events we were not successful
     we proved that we could work together as teams. In our relays we gained
     three firsts, two seconds and two thirds. The girls open relay team broke the
     record. Other records were broken by R. Ricketts (open broad jump), R.
     Deighton (under 16 high jump), H. Sands (girls’ open 220 yards). Other
     competitors worthy of comment were: L. Jones, H. Sands, D. Ball, M. Boone
     and E. Petersons in the girls and W. Morgan and P. Bond in the boys.
         The captains would like to thank Mrs. Gallagher, Mr. Gallwey, Miss
     Power and Mr. Horwood for their assistance in organising and coaching the
     teams. We would also like to thank the vice-captains Ruth Hogg and Terry
     Randall, and seniors Jennifer Whitney and Walter Morgan, who were always
     ready and willing .to assist. We could not conclude these notes without a word
     of gratitude to Miss Deaville and Mr. Mayfield whose hard work assured the
     smooth running of the various activities.

                             KENNEDY  --------------------- =
     HOUSE MISTRESS: Mrs. Taege.
     HOUSE MASTER: Mr. Phillips.
     HOUSE CAPTAINS: Phyllis Hargreaves, Jon Kennedy.
     O  often tends to judge a house on its sporting abilities, but the truly
     'successful house is the one which contains not only good sportsmen, but
     also good scholars and, above all, good triers.
         In the field of sport, Kennedy has had a successful year.
         Swimming: Kennedy was third in the inter-house swimming carnival, the
     boys being responsible for the majority of points gained. Outstanding repre
     sentatives among the boys were Stuart McDonald, W. Young and R. Collins.
     Noteworthy among girl swimmers was J. Whibley, runner-up to the under 15
         Basketball: In the inter-house competition, our house shared second place
     with Mitchell and Oxley. However, a large number of Kennedy girls repre
     sented both house and school in inter-school fixtures.
         Golf: Outstanding golfers are K. Edie—second in girls golf championships,
     and P. Driver—third in boys championship.
         Tennis: B. Gunderson, G. Thompson, J. Scarborough and P. Hargreaves
     represented the house and school in the inter-school fixtures. These four girls,
     plus T. Bushing and N. Roulston, were successful in winning the inter-house
     competition. G. Thompson was over 15 school champion.
         In the boys inter-house competition, our team is in a very promising
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