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By A. Smith and B. Gunderson
      January 23: “Shades of the prison house begin to close,
                        Upon the growing youth
          We returned to-day after seven weeks of glorious freedom.
                        “Behold two kings in majesty revered.”
          We welcomed our new Principal, Mr. Cafferky, and Deputy Principal, Mr.
          Proctor. There were many changes in our teaching staff, viz:
          Arrivals —
             Mr. F. H. R. Cafferky, Mr. P. Proctor, Mrs. U. Gallagher, Miss N.
             Reid, Miss L. Power, Miss A. Burns, Miss B. Soden, Miss H. Crocker,
             Miss D. Greenway, Miss R. Westerman, Miss N. Fotheringham, Mr.
             G. Tye, Mr. R. Cartmill, Mr. K. Horwood.
          Departures —
          Mr. F. B. Perry, Mr. T. C. Baker-Finch, Miss E. Nixon, Miss G.
             Golliker, Mrs. N. Lacey, Miss M. Larkin, Miss M. Pedlar, Miss
             B. Syrmis, Miss A. Johnston, Miss J. Zubervich, Miss B. Tomkins,
             Mr. C. Robertson, Mr. V. Milne, Mr. M. McGovern.
      January 24: “The ground was crowded with people; most of them were poor
                                consumptive individuals.”
          The first General Parade of the year was held.
      January 25: “We part only to meet again.”
          Miss Nixon left to take up a position at State Commercial High.
          First House Meetings of the year were held, and the girls’ House Captains
          were elected. The boys took some time to choose “wisely and well”.
      January 31: First of the year’s Crusader Meetings took place.
      February 8: “By sports like these are all their cares beguil’d.”
          Sports began.
      February 15: “Clothes maketh the man ?”
          Cadets went to Coorparoo for a change of clothes.
      February 16: “Tall, strong, and intellectual, she seemed to be the darling of
                                      the gods.”
          Jocelyn Fleming was awarded the Educational Bursary presented by the
          Bayside Chapter of the Order of De Molay.
      February 20: “I hear, I hear, with joy I hear.”
          The Record Listening Club was formed.
      February 21: Guest speaker, Mr. Pethybridge, addressed the Crusader Group.
      February 23: “He stands erect; his slouch becomes a walk.”
          First Cadet Parade of the year.
          Queensland Cricket Team member. Mr. Jack McLaughlan, coached aspiring
      March 6: “O Summer day beside the joyous sea.”
          Girls’ Swimming Carnival was held at the Manly Baths, Cunningham House
          emerging victorious.
      March 8: “The music in my heart I bore
               Long after it was heard no more.”
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