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A small, loyal band of workers - - PARENTS’


          During the years that have passed since the Wynnum State High and
      Intermediate School was established, the school has been fortunate in having a
      small, but loyal, band of workers labouring to provide those amenities which
      go beyond the bounds of bare necessity.
          During the current year the attendances at the monthly meetings of the
      P. and C. have fallen off alarmingly. It is difficult to see the reason for this.
      A big improvement is earnestly desired as this would not only stimulate
      discussion but also be an encouragement to those who attend regularly.
          Although the year has not been productive of any major function, good,
      sound, solid work has been done in putting the running of the Tuck Shop on
      a sound economic footing. This has been done through the combined efforts
      of the P. and C., the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Tuck Shop Management Com
      mittee, and through the hard work of the ladies on the daily selling roster and
      the buyers of the various commodities the Tuck Shop has to sell.
          Earlier in the year, the Tuck Shop Management Committee was given a
      strong lead by Mr. George Lake, who placed his time, his energy, and his sound
      business knowledge at the service of the committee and of the school. It was
      most unfortunate that a break-down in Mr. Lake’s health rendered necessary
      his resignation from this committee, and from his position as Vice-President of
      the Association.
               The value to the school of the work of the Ladies’ Auxiliary
            under the leadership of Mrs. King cannot be over-emphasised, and
            the thanks of the Parents and Citizens Association are here extended
            to those hard-working ladies who have given so much time and
            effort to attend to the needs of the pupils per medium of the
            Tuck Shop.
          When it was realised what a large volume of business would be passing
      through the Tuck Shop, it was wisely decided to appoint an Accountant care
      fully to scrutinise its business transactions at every point, and Mr. J. W. H.
      McMaster was appointed to the position. His services have been most valuable,
      and to him must go considerable credit for the very sound financial position
      of the Tuck Shop, and consequently, of the Association.
          The year 1961 brought with it changes in the staffing at the Head of the
      school, and we said farewell to Mr. F. B. Perry, and to Mr. Baker-Finch, and
      welcomed Mr. F. H. R. Cafferky back as Principal, with Mr. Proctor as his
      Deputy-Principal. The members of the Parents and Citizens Association are
      very appreciative of the cordial relations which have existed at all times between
      the Principal and Staff of the school and this Association. May this happy
      alliance long continue in the interests of the school and the district!
          To Mr. W. M. Gunn, M.L.A., our esteemed Patron, we desire to express
      our sincere thanks for his continued and unfaltering efforts for the school.
          What of the future ? Firstly, it would appear that the Tuck Shop will
      provide a stream of finance for the school and for the Association much beyond
      that which has been available in the past, and which will render possible much
      more ambitious projects than have been attempted hitherto.
          How will this be spent ? The ordinary needs of a High School as large and
      as active as the Wynnum High School will absorb an ever-increasing portion
      of this money, but it should still be possible to attempt some really spectacular
      work for the school. Several plans have already been discussed, and two major
      projects seem to be taking definite shape.
          The first of these is a plan for the re-shaping and beautification of the
      area of the playground which forms the front entrance to the school. A Grounds
      Committee under the direction of Mr. V. H. Curtis has been working on this
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