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for several months, and preliminary work should be started early in the new
      financial year, subject to the approval of the P. and C., and of the Department
      of Education.
               A larger, and more long-range plan being considered is the
           provision of a Great Hall for the school. Certainly, this would fill
           a great need of the school where, at present, an assembly of the
           pupils or any public function for the school must be held in the
           open-air. When the project is undertaken, the building erected must
           be large enough to meet the requirements of the school, and must
           be of such architectural standard that it will bear comparison with
           the fine main building of the school.
          In conclusion, may I list the Executive Officers who have controlled the
      destiny of the Parents and Citizens Association during the financial year which
      ended on August 31st, 1961. They are: President, Mr. F. J. Ingram; Vice-
      Presidents, Mr. J. Simpson (also Immediate Past President), Mr. G. Lake
      (resigned), Mr. Stuart Hulme; Secretary, Mrs. A. Barker; Treasurer, Mr. Alf.
      Bolitho. To these faithful executive officers, the President offers his very
      sincere thanks.
                                              F. J. INGRAM, President.

      Honourable Mention To....

      * All those generous ladies who during the year gave so much of their
         valuable time in a spirit of smiling helpfulness to make our Tuck-Shop an
         outstanding success.
      * Aerial trapeze, tight-rope and gymnastic artist, G. Stubbs, holder of the
         standing-start record of 2 mins. 30 secs, on the Cadet Unit’s new obstacle course
         at Greenbank.
      * Boxer Darryl Woodforth (4B1) outright winner of Secondary Schools Boxing
      * Scholar Noel Sims, winner of Protestant Alliance Friendly Society Bursary
         with a scholarship pass of 91.7%.
      * Apex Bursary winners Lee Williams and Michael Yonwin.
      * Essayist J. Lindley, winner of Shell Essay Bursary of £20.
      * Medico Barry Rogers, last year’s Drum Major, of Cadet Pipe Band, who this
         year topped the C.M.F. in Queensland in St. John’s Ambulance examinations.
      * Cadet Under-Officer Michael Macdonald who topped the Under-Officers
         Course at Greenbank in January.
      * Younger brother, Max Macdonald, who won the Alan & Stark trophy for
         rifle shooting for all metropolitan schools.
      * Past student Phil Railings who represented Queensland Lifesavers in com
         petition at Hobart.
      * Borrower W. Christensen who did return the post-hole digger he had borrowed
         from Mr. Cox six months previously.
      * Veteran J. R. Lendrum, M.B.E., who survived the rigours of a winter’s
         night at Greenbank to share camp life with his friends. No stranger to life
         under canvas, Mr. Lendrum recalled incidents from the heyday of Palmer
         River goldfield where he served as a mining engineer.
      * High-jumper, K. Midson, who almost succeeded in clearing the front fence
          of the school ground.
      * Footballers, R. Dolby and B. Harpur, who represented Brisbane in matches
         at Toowoomba, Gladstone, Rockhampton and Bundaberg.
      * Skater June Lowther who won Quarter mile Speed Championship of N.S.W.
         and Queensland.
      * Artist A. Murray who collected a Courier-Mail Art Bursary.
      * Ex-Staff members, Miss E. Nixon, Mr. S. Garrett, and Mr. T. C. Baker-Finch,
         for their continued interest in W.H.S. and its doings.
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