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position—G. Grant, T. Grant and L. Surman all represented the school in the
     A-Grade inter-school competition.
         Cricket: So far Kennedy is in third place in the inter-house competition.
         Last, but not least:—
         Athletics: In spite of the suspected rigging of wires across Kennedy lanes,
     our house was successful in winning the inter-house athletics carnival. (This
     proves that crime doesn’t pay.) We had three age championship winners—
     Elizabeth Gibbs (under 14), Hedy van de Giessen (under 15) and C. Boone
     (under 14 boys champion). Other outstanding athletes were: S. McDonald
     (record in 120 yards hurdles), G. Grant, B. Casey and H. Williams (record in
     under 15 broad jump). D. Rosickis, D. Yates, R. Harrison and N. Kydd gained
     places in goal-throwing.
         Our under 15 ball games should be better next year, with more experience
     —the over 15A team was responsible for winning a large number of house points.
         In the field of academic work, Ross Patterson has been our outstanding
     Kennedy representative, and generally, the house has done quite well in this
     sphere of school activity. < *
         The help given by our house teachers, Mrs. Taege and Mr. Phillips, and
     vice-captains, Ross Patterson and Robyn Harrison, has been invaluable, and
     very much appreciated.
         In short, 1961 has been a very successful year for Kennedy House. The
     success has not been due to any persons in particular. We have been successful
     because our members have worked as a team, and also because of the friendly
     rivalry which has existed between houses.
         As house captains of the best house in the school, we thank all those
     wonderful Kennedy people who have given us their co-operation during the year.
         We have indeed been proud to captain you !
                                           — P. Hargreaves and J. Kennedy.

           — MITCHELL —--
     HOUSE MASTER: Mr. O’Mara.
     HOUSE MISTRESS: Miss Rohde.
     HOUSE CAPTAINS: Eunice Clarke, Allen Travers.

     1961 has found Mitchell House with mixed fortunes. Although we were not
             quite good enough to reign supreme, we have by no means been disgraced.
     This year, as a result of the efforts of teachers and students alike, that fiery
     red has shattered the complacency of some more quietly attired souls.
         At the swimming carnival, thrashed out at Manly baths, Mitchell was placed
     second to Oxley. J. Browne, R. Fulton and B. Preston gained honours in
     championship events, while M. McDonald, R. Chadwick, L. Dere and I. Riddel!
     swam very creditably. Our best girl swimmer was B. Clark who outclassed all
     others to win the under 15 championship. B. Tickle also did well. This year
     D. Sercombe and D. Topel gained life saving awards.
         Mitchell cricketers must be saving themselves for an all-out attempt when
     the season re-commences. At the moment we are fourth on the points table.
         There were no inter-house football matches played this year, but many
     Mitchell boys represented the school in various divisions. N. Gallagher won a
     place in a Brisbane team.
         The girls tennis team—R. McKelvie, S. Curry, D. Edwards and J. Worrall—
     was narrowly defeated for the school title, although the first pair remained
     undefeated throughout. D. Edwards won the junior tennis championship.
         Mitchell basketball teams played well to be placed second in the inter-house

       ★ This Page generously donated by CRITCHLEY’S WYNNUM FRUIT
          MART, Bay Terrace, Wynnum.

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