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FORM 3A2 - -
                         Form Teacher: Miss Lenihan
                    Form Captains: Helen Sands, Noel Simms
         Our form is supposedly the brainiest of all Third Forms (?), and our top
      boys in first term were Russell Watkins and Noel Simms.
         We have many budding sporting enthusiasts including Noel Dunstan, Doug
      McGregor, Don Cogill, Gilbert Forward, Robert Baker and Ian Shapcott who
      play Rugby League, and in this sport, Earl Seymore is an A Grade Inter-School
      representative. Our sole golfer is Terry Richards, and Malcolm Banks is our
      main tennis star. Neil and Noel Simms play inter-school cricket and other
      followers of this sport include Malcolm Banks, Gilbert Forward, Don Cogill,
      Doug McGregor and Earl Seymore.
         Our class has four would-be soldiers, and these are Ashley McCullagh and
      Colin Richardson who are in the band, and Neil and Noel Simms.
         The girls of 3A2 have acquitted themselves well throughout the year in
      both the spheres of schoolwork and sport.
         Quite a number of girls have proved their worth on the sporting field.
      These include Michele Jordana and Susan Curry who have showed their skill
      in tennis-playing. Michele succeeded in reaching the finals for the open school
      championships. Two of our girls, Freda Foster and Lyn Haidle, represented the
      school in the G.P.S. sports. Of our 15 girls, six are learning musical instruments
      of some kind. Of these six, Beverley Lake is well known throughout the school
      as a flautist.
         As regards to school work, Pat Fleming obtained the highest Scholarship
      result, but Helen Sands topped the girls in the first term examination.

      FORM 3A3 - -
                         Form Teacher: Mr. Horwood
                           Form Captain: P. Isaaks
                        Form Vice-Captain: K. Fleming
         We are a very “industrious” class, but some of our teachers are not very
      likely to agree with us.
         In the academic line, we rate as an average class. Our mathematical genius
      is Chris. Klaproth, who holds first place in class. Second comes Paul Isaaks,
      who prefers the sciences to maths. The subjects we take in this all-boys form are
      Maths. A, Maths. B, English, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, French and
         We have a great number of students in the sporting field. Those in inter
      school football are D. Moore, S. Morrison, R. Barr, T. Moss, P. Isaaks, K.
      Fleming, G. Dowding, R. Clark, E. Mattinson, G. Riddell, R. Atkinson and
      M. Schmidt. Our cricketers are C. Klaproth, M. Schmidt, S. Morrison and K.
      Fleming. The rest of the class all take part in various house sports. In the
      recent athletic carnival, D. Fairweather took second place in the under 15
      high jump and represents the school in the sports against Balmoral.
         In the class there are 10 cadets, all in their first year of ‘rigid’ training.
         Lastly, we would like to thank our various teachers for using their talents
      to knock into our thick heads the facts of learning. That is all, so this is 3A3
      signing off with great stress on our class slogan: “Use your head—it’s little
      things that count.”
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