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Their love for Latin is shown in their motto, “Numquam discens; semper
       dormiens” (never work; always sleep).
          Government :
            Mr. Hazell—“I’m never wrong, so don't argue.”
            Mr. McCormack—“Hear much, speak little.”
            Miss Read—“Then flashed the living lightning from her eyes,
                . And screams of horror rend the affrighted skies.”
            Miss Rohde—“Won’t be seeing her no more,
                       What she thought was H20, was really H2SO4.”
            Mr. Tye—Maths. B. Another foreign language.
            Mr. Christensen—Has trouble teaching them that two plus two equals four.
            Mr. Schuntner—“Latin is a language, dead for sure.
                         But he will teach it evermore.”
            Mr. Weise—“Wiser far than human seer.
                      Yellow-breeched philosopher.”
          In closing, the natives would like to thank their teachers for labouring
       with them during the year, and to wish fellow “slave states” the best of luck in
       exams which lie close at hand.

       FORM 4A2 - -
                             Director: Miss Reid
            Producers: Francais McGuire, Heather Grainger, Allen Wright,
                             Walter Gregoiroph
                         Characters: (Contained in Text)

                                ACT ONE
       First Term
          Success was gained in this early part of the year by Bev. Clark and Jill
       Wibley, Bev. being under 15 champion, and in cricket by John Macoll and Elden
       Kelk. This same term we gained two new students who turned out to be budding
       scholars; by name Peter Shaw and Dianne Levirs. Also we were joined by two
       French students from 4C1, as well as a French Teacher alias Miss “Weid”.
       Cadets were formed and Bob McRae gained recognition as Drum Major. This
       well watered class of 4A2 also contains a sprinkling of cadets. Dianne Levirs
       and Lesley Hewitt are engaged in aerial ping pong. We finished first term with
       a good result especially by our Barbara !
                                ACT TWO
       Second Term
          As Basketball and football were played, there emerged from the musly
       corners, fine “specimens” of sport mainly Dagmara Rosikees, Bev. Clark, Teryl
       Joyce (also engaged in inter-school ball games), as well as John Macoll, Peter
       Shaw and Hugh Davis.
          The sports came and we acquitted ourselves remarkably to the goal in
       view of Barbara Turnbull, under 16 champion, Russel Deighton, breaking the
       high jump record, and numerous others in the running. The golf champion also
       abides in our class going under the name of Chris Semple.
          Of course, with our merits we have our infamous people, who, instead
       of studying would rather sit and watch such educational programmes as “Yogi
          We wish all examinees the best and say ‘Au Revoir’ till next year when
       we hope to be Form 5.
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