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FORM 4D - -
                         We really are a handy lot,
                         Our cooking is quite sumptuous.
              . But gravy, dripping from the pot,
                         Makes teacher quite presumptuous.
         The four D’s are four in number, this year, our class being reduced by two.
      Beverley, Dorothy, Eunice and Lois constitute the quartette.
         Our physiology lessons with Miss Crocker, who is filling Miss Golliker’s
      place very ably, are progressing at a slow rate. Our poor brains find it difficult
      to comprehend.
         We successfully dissected a bullock’s eye and soon discovered the aquious
      humour (quite laughable really) with its jelly-like body wobbling with mirth (or
      was it ?).
         Our young cooking teacher, a recruit from college, is quite a gem really,
      but she does strongly object to our putting our fingers in our mouths. We are
      really quite innocent (?) and not tasting our cooking at all.
         We think Miss Jackson considers us a dense lot. We certainly become
      muddled when it comes to laundry. The water somehow gets mixed up in the
      calcium salts and goes all soft (?) and our clothes take on a new lustre. Anyway,
      we hope you are not the hard type who take us seriously.

      FORM 6 - -
                         THE DRAMA OF THE YEAR

                                ACT ONE
         Scene 1: Room I, W.H.I.S.
                         Enter MONSIEUR GALLWEY
         M. GALLWEY: “Bonjour, mes eleves. Asseyez-vous !”
         As there is no one to seat, he “borrows” a chair, and sits down to wait
      for his pupils—Just as well he has some patience.

                                 ACT TWO
         Scene 1: The same—some hours later.
         M. GALLWEY (with head cocked): “Hark! Hark! a lark ...” and into
      the room comes WALTER.
         WALTER (conning his favourite line): “Well. Sir, somebody has to enforce
      school rules.”
         ARTHUR (murmuring, as he enters):
         M. GALLWEY: “Did you say something, Chantler?"
         He is interrupted by another entry :—
         Enter MICHAEL, armed with log, tables and French dictionary, and
      endeavouring to learn them both off by heart.
         (ASIDE)—He has been shaved — Forcibly.

                                  ----- • ------

         Scene 2: The same — some more hours later. A knock at the door.
         M. GALLWEY: “Who’s there?”
         A LITTLE VOICE: “Me and my shadow.”
         Enter JENNIFER (watch out lads—a woman driver !) closely followed by
      JOCELYN—the conscience of 6th Form. She thinks that all 6th Form boys
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