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P. 148

Robertson, Janice Stickley, Janice Street, Unice Taylor, Sandra Williams, Dawn
           Lights flickering in the dark —
               Head light—Jan Stickley (top pupil).
               Spot lights—Vicki Cutlack, Robyn McKelvie (tennis); Yvonne Beau
                         mont, Dawn Young, Lauri Moss (basketball); Marilyn
                         Hamilton, Christene Pyle, Robyn Drevesen (hockey).

      FORM 4C3 - -
                          Form Teacher: Miss Cafferky
                         Form Captain: Marie Heymer
                          Vice-Captain: Barbara Curtis
                         Once again here are we,
                         The best of all—Form 4C3
                         And (though our teachers don’t agree)
                         Excel in books and energy.
                         In noise and sports we are the tops
                         But in our exams we are -------- .
         (Rhyming scheme AAAABB—descriptive poetry written in an unrecognis
      able meter.)
         Our resting place is situated in cell number 4A, and there are actually
      34 bright specimens of good looking girls in it. We have no members of the
      so-called male society in our room, which I suppose is (un)fortunate.
         Most of the girls favourite past time is “bird” watching and their minds
      often stray from their school work to watch them passing by and flapping their
      muscle-bound wings.
         Although we look out of the windows and day-dream most of the time,
      some of us take fits and indulge in sports. Taking part in such activities as
      swimming, hockey, basketball and tennis.
         The poem which follows (if you could call it a poem) tells you of all the
      subjects we take.
                       Form 4C3 our trade mark is.
                       At English we've become a wiz,
                       With Maths A we are not so hot.
                       But in Geography we hit the spot.
                       Shorthand is nothing but dots and dashes,
                       Usually we try not to make any hashes.
                       Bookkeeping is all debits and credits,
                       Cash books, journals, and ledgers too.
                       In typing we try not to make any boo-boos.
                       Our history we learn from Mr. Doube.
                       Home Science we have four times a week.
                       Thrice too often we fall asleep.
                       A happy class we gay girls are.
                       And proud of our school the best by far.
         We would like to wish the best of luck to all candidates sitting for the
      forthcoming examinations and success thereafter.
         We would also like to thank all teachers concerned during the past year,
      for their patience and excellent teaching in endeavouring to help us pass the
      forthcoming examinations.

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