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G.P.S. sports. Another outstanding sportsman is Barrie Preston who brings 3C2
   to the fore, in swimming.
         Also inter-school players are as follows
         Cricket: R. Hovey, P. McMahon, S. Smith, B. Hamlet.
         Basketball: Lorraine Wallis, Helen Mackay.
         Hockey: S. Hunting.
         Football: B. Hamlet.

   FORM 3C3 –
                          Form Teacher: Mr. Taylor
                  Form Captains: June Lowther, Dean Henderson
       The motto of the infamous 3C3 is quietism. I am sure our teachers will
   agree that we do not practice what we preach. Class honours go to P. Griffin,
     S. Short, and J. Lowther. We may not excel in the scholastic field
     athletic ability spreads over a wide range.
   Our swimmers who represented us in the swimming carnival are T.
     Z. Jensen, S. Jailett, B. Carn, R. Mount and P. Pyle.
         All the basketball players had success in their teams by winning
     Premierships. The girls, who are prominent in this are M. Hutchinson, M.
     Dunstan and J. Lowther. M. Swan was a member of the hockey team that won
     the Brisbane Premiership. Girls who were prominent in G.P.S. and the Balmoral
         sports, playing ball games were Z. Jensen and B. Weis.
         The hero of our form is now R. Casey since he won the 880 yards race
     on Sports Day and made a splendid effort to be placed second in the mile race.
     Our  contribution  to  school  cricket  teams  was  made  by  B.  Midson,  T.  Smith  and
   D.Henderson. We also pay credit to R. Riley for his efforts on the football field.
     Merilyn Hoppner and Russel Mount provide us with musical entertainment when Russel
   plays the piano and the drums and Merilyn plays the piano accordion.
   In conclusion we would like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers for trying to drag
   us through our recent examination

   FORM 3C4
                              Teacher: Mr. Cox
                          Beth Schmidt, Janet Young

        Maree White topped our class in the first term examination and 100% was
     attained for Bookkeeping by Glenys Carmichael — congratulations both of you.
        Our sport enthusiasts are: J. Young, C. Apps, M. Atkins, J. Scarborough,
     G. McKelvie (tennis); M. Bukmann (basketball); R. Richardson (hockey). W.
     Abbott did well in a swimming carnival at the beginning of this year.
     Our class, and other third formers attended a Symphony Orchestra Concert during the
   first term.
            We would like to take this opportunity to wish those who are sitting for
        examinations, the best of luck in them.

   FORM 3C5

            Form Teacher: Miss Power
            Form Captain: Leonie Walsh
                 Vice Form Captain: Suzette Williams
            Form 3C5 is rather rowdy,
            And we try our teachers’ patience,
            But at the close of '61,
            We hope they’ll say, “Class, well done”.

          Many of us do well in exams, as you shall see. With the thorough teaching

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