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P. 156


          Dese joes in Room 7, see, decided to clean de Guys’ Staff Room.
          De Arts lunks, b-IAN de less dead, set to frantic-LEE with a WILL with
       no BEADEN about de bush to TYE-dy up de Rex around de dump. Dey
       DOUG out de works from NEV-er-used lockers, raisin’ de dust to make all de
       guys WEISE and gag, even de little kid across de tracks who beat up de dust
       to his old lady acryin’: “O MAR A storm is ablowin’. De HAZEL PHILLIP
       me eyes with dust. MA COLL de cops.”
          Soon dey raised a big pile of trash: three old JIM-boots, an old PERCE
       without no Mahoney in it, a RUSS-TED i-RON kettle, cigar-STUBBS, two
       KAFFIR KEYS, two empty demi-JOHNS, a torn LYLE stocking and a tin of
       BRINE containing whis-KERRY old mullet-gut what dat guy Garrett forgot
       when he took a powder.
          De onlookers HARRY-ed de workers beating dere brains over de THORNE-y
       problem of dest-ROY-ing de trash.
          De mouthpiece, JACKS, ON-ly plan was to th-ROHDE lot over de wall
       into de Dames’ Staffroom.
          FOYST ER lunk slung his CRIBB over de wall to test de reaction.
          With CYRIL screams de dames shouted: “St-RUTH, what a GREEN-way
       to woo a dame, you DEVILLE. Let’s have more CURTIS-y in dis dump, see.”
          At dis s-TAEGE immen-SCALES of wicked laughter came from de guys.
       “O-KAY, O-KAY,” dey yelled, “youse dames BURNES us up.”
          Den de joes began SODEN-ly ahurlin’ de trash over de wall. De gals began
       ahurlin all de CROCK-ery dey had back, each GAL AHUR-lin at full POWER.
       Even de tuck-shop dames ag-REID to LENIHAN-d.
          Den de cops came to a WESTERMAN or two and put de SIMPS ON de mat,
       and dat always REX de fun.
                                                    — X.Y. (Form 7)

                   As I gazed upon the glory spattered sky
                   It seemed the stars from Heaven drifted down
                   Like silver melting tears of God they fell
                   And with His' love’s sweet sorrow lapped me round.
                            An orange mist flared
                            On dark mountain rim.
                            Bushfire’s sear fury
                            Distance-tamed, dim.
                            Sparks, multicolour,
                            Arched o’er the sea.
                            Yet there were years hence,
                            The stars near me.
                   My soul’s mute prayer from mine to His heart flow
                   And drew its glittering shower through the night
                   In space and time the stars share from eternity
                   They with His radiance bathed the world in light.
                                                         — J. Fleming.

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