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            The Courses available for 1961 are as follows :—

            Second Form corresponds to the Eighth Primary Grade. Pupils will
      he drawn from the Seventh Grade of Wynnum Central State School. On
      completion of Second Form work, pupils sit for the State Scholarship Exam-
      ination. Holders of State Scholarships receive free tuition at State High
      Schools, provided a satisfactory standard of diligence and behaviour is
      A.      —Academic to Senior Standard:
          (a) Junior Subjects: English. French, Latin or History, Geography or
             Art, Maths. A (Arithmetic and Algebra), Maths. B (Geometry),
             Chemistry, Physics.
          (b) Senior Subjects: English. Senior French or Geometrical Draw-
             ing and/or Junior French. Maths. I, Maths. II or History. Physics
             or Geography. Chemistry or Economics.
      B.      —Industrial to Junior Standard:
          Subjects: English, Maths. A, Maths. B, Chemistry, Physics, Geometrical

        ★ This Page generously donated by CRITCHLEY’S WYNNUM FRUIT
            MART, Bay Terrace, Wynnum.
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