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Drawing and Perspective, Industrial A (Woodwork), Industrial B
          (Metalwork), Industrial C (Trade Drawing).
      C.—Commercial to Senior Standard:
          (a) Junior Subjects: English, History, Geography or Art. Maths. A.
             Maths. B or Home Science B, Bookkeeping and Business Methods,
             Short hand. Typewriting.
          (b) Senior Subjects: English, Geography, Maths. I, Economics, Book
             keeping, Shorthand.
      D.—Home Science to Senior Standard:
          (a) Junior Subjects: English, Geography or Art, Maths. A, Chemistry.
             Physics, Physiology, Home Science A. Home Science B.
          (b) Senior Subjects: English. Chemistry, Physiology, Home Science A,
             Home Science B.
      S.—Special Course:
          Subjects: English. General Mathematics, Citizenship Education, Science.
          Art, .Manual Arts and Technical Drawing (Boys), or Business Methods,
          Typewriting and Home Craft (Girls).
           The Academic Course leads to University Matriculation in all the
      Faculties (Arts, Law. Science, Applied Science, Medical Science, Engineering,
      Surveying. Medicine. Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Agriculture, Commerce,
      Physiotherapy, Architecture and Pharmacy).
           The Industrial Course is a preparatory course for the skilled trades
      and leads to University Matriculation in all faculties except Law and
           The Commercial Course is designed principally for those wishing to
      enter business life alter the Junior, but it also leads to Teaching, the
      Public Service and Banking.
           The Home Science Course is intended to lit girls for future manage
      ment of the home, and leads to Home Science Teaching, Nursing, Dressmak
      ing and higher class Cooking.
           The Special Course is a two year modified course, available only to.
      girls and boys paying tuition fees (i.e. non-Scholarship holders). It does
      not lead to the Junior Examination, but is designed to give the non-
      academically minded girl and boy a broader education, as well as to acquire
      certain skills. These students have the benefit of Secondary School life
      without the strain and worry of a Public Examination.
           This course is of use for most apprenticeships for boys, and will
      assist girls wishing to enter nursing or some office positions.
           Intermediate School: No Departmental Fees.
           High School: Children who fail to pass the State Scholarship Exam-
      ination. and who wish to attend may do so. if the Principal approves, by
      paying tuition fees of £2/16/- per term, payable in advance, with three
      terms in the year.
           General Purpose Fee: Intermediate School: £1 per year per family.
           High School: £1/10/- per year per family. This fee is to be paid
           on enrolment by all students. The fund is used to provide Sporting
           Equipment, Library Books, Mural Decorations, etc., and payment of
           the fee entitles the student to receive a Homework Notebook and a
           copy of the School Magazine. “Wirinun”.
           School Colours: Bottle green and grey.
           Physical Education: Teachers from the Physical Education Staff
      attend the school.
           Sport: (a) Inter-House: The School is divided into four Houses—
      Cunningham, Kennedy, Mitchell, Oxley. Inter-House competitions are
            — v ...  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ★ This Page generously donated by WATSON’S PHARMACY, Bay
           Terrace, Wynnum.

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