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conducted in cricket, rugby league, tennis, athletics, swimming, basketball,
     vigoro, softball, hockey, soccer, volley ball.
           The School fields teams in Inter-School competitions conducted by the
     Q.S.S.S.S.A. in rugby league, cricket, tennis, basketball, swimming and
     athletics, and occasional games are played in soccer, hockey and other
     team games.
           Army Cadets: A highly efficient Cadet Unit with its own Pipe Band
     parades one afternoon each week. The Cadets attend the Annual Camp in
     August. Uniform and Equipment are tree, but there is a waiting list for
           Text Books: These may be purchased at the School during the first
     two weeks of the school year, at city prices.
           Guidance Officers: Visit the School on one day each week, to assist
     in directing pupils into courses and careers for which they are best suited.
     Parents wishing to interview the officers may arrange an appointment
     Through the School.

                            ODE TO HOMEWORK
                   H is for homework, the bane of we two.
                   O is the ordeal that we both go through,
                   M lor our Maths, and mistakes that we make,
                   E stands for English, a subject that’s cake.
                   W the work that we grudgingly do,
                   O for the oddities of various hue.
                   R for the rules, though we never excel,
                   K for the Krisis we cause when we spell.
                                                   (Red & Rip, 4C1.)

                      TAN ME HIDE TILL I’M RED, FRED

                         Keep ya uniform neat, Pete,
                         Keep ya uniform neat.
                         Have clean boots on ya feet, Pete.
                         Keep ya uniform neat.
                         Mind ya badge is ashowin’, Owen,
                         Mind ya badge is ashowin’.
                         Tell teacher where ya goin’, Owen,
                         Mind ya badge is ashowin’.
                         Berets pinned to the side, Clyde,
                         Berets pinned to the side.
                         Don’t in the schoolyard ride, Clyde,
                         Berets pinned to the side.
                         Tan me hide till I’m red, Fred,
                         Tan me hide till I’m red.
                         Me report form’s bad ya said, Fred,
                         So tan me hide till I’m red.
                                                     — Anon.
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