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* Past-student Vivien Chantler for University success—Mary Alison Miles
        Munro Scholarship in English, 1959, for top student in English I exam-
        ination and Lizzie Head Warry Prize, 1959, for woman student most
        proficient in English.
      * Navigator G. Stubbs, discoverer of several unchartered mudbanks in
        Moreton Bay, and inventor of a method of amphibious deep-water
      * R. Ricketts, W. Blaik, N. Gallagher, J. Berkery, 9-stone League foot
        ballers of W.H.I.S. and State representatives in Tests against N.S.W.
        R. Ricketts captained the Qld. team.
      * Pam Clarke, first girl student of W.H.I.S. to win the rare Distinction
        Award for Lifesaving.
      * Past-student M. McDonald, fourth in his course at R.A.A.F. Officers’
        School, Point Cook; and Russell Bielenberg, still heading his course at
        RMC, Duntroon.
      * Groundsman Mr. R. Thompson for transformation and beautification of
        school grounds and playing fields.
      * Lassie, our pin-up canine for her fine work at the fete.
      * Maths. B protagonist, W. Christensen, the most distinguished-looking
        grad .and at this year’s University Graduation ceremony.
      * G. Newnham and D. Ament, completing their fourth year as Pipers in
        the Cadet Band—a record that can never be broken.
      * T. Niebling—for four years a top player in the School’s top football team.
      * Motorist H. Cox, present holder of the standing-start record. Manly to
        Victoria Bridge.
      * Honourable M. McGovern for honourable study of Japanese.
      * Pipe Smoker D. Griffith for greatest quantity of tobacco consumed in
        one week.
      * Golfer R. Vines (4A1) at 15 years of age, Open Golf Champion of
      * Pianist Dianne Crellin (3A1) for top marks in Queensland for Trinity
        College Advanced Senior Examination.
      * Broad Jumper R. Ricketts, winner of QSSSSA under 16 Broad Jump.
      * High Jumper J. Jocumsen, winner of under 15 High Jump with a new
        State record of 5 feet 5in.

        ★ This Page generously donated by P. M. BENJAMIN, CHEMIST,
           Bay Terrace, Wynnum.
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