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By P. Hargreaves and P. Hafner

      January 25th: .“Begin; to begin is half the work. Let half still remain:
           again begin this, and thou wilt have finished.’’ — Ausonius.
             Back to School again to begin another year’s work, with the belief
           that “whatever begins also ends.” (Seneca.) The day was spent in
           sorting out students and teachers—quite a headache for Mr. Baker-
             We were sorry to find that the teaching staff had suffered the loss
           of: Mr. F. Boylan, Mr. J. Kingsbury. Mr. L. Williams, Miss D. Brown.
           Miss S. Felton, Mr. B. Parton, and Mrs. R. Ungerer.
             However, students and staff were glad to welcome: Mr. J. Genn
           (who left on the 4th March to lecture at the University), Mrs.
           J. Marcus (who left on the 15th June), Miss P. Rhode, Mr. T. Schunt-
           ner, Miss J. Cafferky, Miss A. Curtis. Miss M. Pedler. Miss J. Zubervich,
           Miss .T. Huxham, and Miss G. Stubbs.
             Miss T. Lenihan, and later Mr. B. Lee were welcomed into the
           High School section of the School, from the Intermediate.
      January 26th: “A general welcome from his grace salutes ye all.”   — Shakespeare.
             First general parade for the year. A genial Mr. Perry “welcomed
           us back for another ...” (no, not another “week) . . . year.
      January 27th: “Choose out the wisest, brightest, noblest of mankind.”   — Erskine.
             Election of girls’ House Captains. The boys took some time to
           “choose out their wisest, brightest, noblest” leaders.
      January 28th: “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” — Bayley.
             Hearts were happy again with the arrival of the belated and beloved
           Mr. Cox.
      February 2nd: “True religion will make a man a more thorough gentleman
           than all the courts in Europe.” — Rev. C. Kingsley.
           First boys’ Crusader meeting for the year.
      February 8th: “Lord, behold us with Thy blessing. Once again assembled
           here.” — Buckoll.
             First Term service, at which the whole School was addressed by
           Rev. Edwards. Mr. Edwards stressed that at School, young people
           should develop “a strong body, a cultured mind, and a gracious spirit.”
      February 11th: “Welcome, my old friend, welcome . . .” — Longfellow.
             The School welcomed back Mr. Lendrum who had longer holidays
           than most of us.
      February 25th: “My frown is sufficient correction: my love is the law of
           the school.” — Dickinson.
             Miss Nixon addressed the girls at their first Assembly.

        ★ This Page generously donated by MORRIS JONES, CHEMIST,
           Cambridge Parade, Manly.

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